Chapter 76-Knock Knock

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Gally completes attaching a strange contraption to the technical box, vigilantly shutting the door to the box before cloaking his features once again "let's go" Gally orders, sternly obtaining the Betrayer's arm and coerces her to her feet before dragging her alongside him up the stairs, sighing, I manuever to obtain Newt's arm to assist him up yet another flight of stairs, but he quickly pushes my hand away, he doesn't witness the flash of hurt that displays itself upon my features as he lowers his gaze to the ground, attempting to compose himself "no" he dismisses me sternly "I'll be fine". Finally elevating his gaze so that he could stare directly towards me, I purse my lips, the urge to protest threatening to escape, I slowly nod "just let me know if you need a break" I mumble, noticing my dismay, his gaze softens, he leans in closer towards me and plants his lips upon my own, a shudder of delight slices down my back as electricity sprouts along my arms, returning the link, I shift to gain a better grasp on his lips, leisurely, he navigates his hand to my cheek, caressing it reassuringly, too soon he separates from me. Leaving me breathless and longing for more of his touch "don't worry about me, Love, I'm tougher than I look" he grins faintly, leaning his forehead against my own "I have no doubt about that, but I'm going to worry anyway" I chuckle feebly, not allowing the blossoming tears in my peripherals to release, shutting my orbs as I send a silent prayer for anyone listening to grant him mercy, he slumps his hand so that he can overlap his around my own, as he gazes at my hands, I suddenly become bashful to how feculent they appear. But he ignores their unpleasant state and traces circles around my knuckles "I wouldn't have it any other way, Love", with an unexpected peck that warms the skin of my knuckles, he cloaks his handsome features from me once again and begins limping his way up the flight of stairs, obviously in a trance from the new gesture tickling my entire hand, I remain stagnant for a brief moment, but I untether myself from my stupor before also cloaking myself once again and grip my Launcher, following behind Newt to stand directly behind him in case he stumbles or endures another attack. Our group ascends four more flights of stairs, quickly sprinting through a door on our left, stepping into a wide, long hallway that veers sharply to the right, we unhesitantly allow the hallway to guide us to discover two massive, grey steel sliding doors at the end of yet another long stretch of hallway "that's it" Gally informs us, without any hesitation, Thomas darts down the corridor, and as Gally guides the Betrayer forward, with Newt limping past them, gripping his Launcher tauntly, I'm suddenly flushed with excitement, I follow after Newt, adjusting my weapon, my knuckles white from anticipation. We race our way down the hallway quickly and silently, I manuever my way between Newt and Thomas, glaring at the doorway with brutal determination, just as the three of us approach the entrance to the sector, the two doors slide open, revealing a WICKED officer exiting the room, his feautres flush with panic the moment he recognizes us "what the-?!", "knock, knock, Shank" I snap in a snark tone before unhesitantly discharging my weapon at the man, the metal clamp latching to his chest and throwing his convulsing body backwards, this activates a chain reaction of the other guards inside the room. Shouting incoherent orders to each other as they quickly attempt to retrieve their weapons, but Thomas and Newt storm into the circular room, discharging their Launchers mercilessly at the guards on each side, I march my way to be between the two, effortlessly incapacitating the three men standing at the center of the computers, instinctively evading any retaliating fires that come from their direction with ease, within seconds, all the officers are unconcious on the ground, grinning proudly as I remove my disguise, waving my head around to allow my braid to plummet down my back unrestrictedly "that was shucking awesome!". "Good that" Gally mumbles, quickly rushing past me while the Betrayer remains frozen at the open entrance, just as Thomas, who also removes his disguise, and Newt rush to separate doors along the circular wall, I hurtle straight across the room to the door just right of the massive one at the center, purposefully stepping upon unconscious guards along the way, once at the door, I peek through it's window to discover several girls all huddled onto one bed, staring at the door in fear, I practically beam as I swiftly unlock the door and yank it open. Grunting from the effort as my muscles strain to open the heavy door, without hesitating further, I peer inside "well, hello there!" I grin as if this is the most casual encounter ever "come on, we're getting you girls outta here!", they all stare at me in complete shock, exchaning dumbfounded glances with one another, unmoving "are you gonna hurt us?" One girl in particular questions, due to being surrounded by the bodies of her friends, I'm uncertain which girl has spoken, but I understand this is the question clinging them to the bed, I flash my most genuine smile. Softening my features to display reassurance "don't worry, their days of hurting you are over" I comfort them, they all gaze at me hopefully, awestruck by my words "what better way to be saved than by someone who's been hurt by them as well?", they all ease their tense shoulder, their suspicious gazes morphing into trust "now, what are you waiting for?" I laugh, a sudden sense of giddiness bubbling within my chest as I motion them to abandon the room "come on!", the girls quickly scramble off their beds, rushing towards the door, murmuring their infathomable gratitude towards me.

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger! I hope you guys liked it because the next chapter is gonna be chaotic and you might get confused by it, but whatever. Anyway, I am kinda iffy about this one mainly because Rose is displaying a sort of merciless killer vibe. Which of course is in no way bad, it just doesn't really fit the character I have been building since the beginning, sure she's not all innocent, but she isn't someone who can just walk away from just firing at someone. But I kinda want to see it as she's becoming more mature and confident. Either that or she's merely trying to enact justice upon those who have hurt her. But idk, I'm just gonna leave it alone for now. The next chapter is gonna make you sad but don't worry, it's gonna have some juicy stuff in there for you! It's kinda like what I wrote in here, the moment between Newt and Rose, but it's gonna be more bittersweet now that they are growing closer to Minho! You'll see! I hope you guys are loving the book! Don't be shy and smash that voting star and let's bring some readers in for the final showdown! I can't wait!! Gotta go! The next chapter won't write itself! Later reader!

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