Not again

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After we had breakfast, Daniel and I go to the horses for a ride. I don't know the surroundings here so there's no way I'm going alone.
At first I thought maybe Daniel would be a bit nervous about getting back on a horse. But I guess that was a bit stupid to think about a guy who drives F1 cars for a living and has experienced crashes a few times.

As soon as we get to the gate and I call for Rain she comes running towards me. When she is in front of me she gently touches my face with her soft nose. Blowing her warm breath against my skin.
I plant kisses all over that cute nose of hers, I don't think I can ever thank Daniel enough for ignoring me this once. She truly is my animal soulmate and I love her to bits.

"Alex gave me her saddle and bridle as well, so she has her own stuff." He takes the chestnut horse out whose name is Jack. He seems very calm and relaxed and is overall a very friendly boy.
"Are you sure you want to ride baby, I mean with peanut and all?" Daniel asks me again, I think he asked me this question about 12 times this morning.
"Yeah, peanut and I are safe with Rain. We're going to take it easy, no racing. I don't want her to trip. So just a relaxed ride ok. I trust her, she'll keep me and peanut safe." I want to pick up the saddle, but Daniel won't let me lift anything heavy.

He quickly puts the saddle on her back so I can secure it. The bridle I get to do myself, as that's not heavy, even though I know by looking at him he'd rather do that as well.
Jack is all set and ready, so as soon as I'm done checking everything on Rain we get on and trot off.
I really thought I'd never be on her back again, but here we are, in Perth, riding together.
Daniel shows me the entire property, it's quite big actually. He also has some ramps build up in some paddock a bit further away.

"These are a bit high for skateboarding and I've never seen you do that, so where are these for?" I ask as we ride passed them.
"For my dirt bikes. It's just a bit of fun, but I don't really get to use them often as I have to be careful not to break anything." He looks at the things longing and I'm actually quite happy he's not allowed to do crazy stunts.
"Just wait until you retire. I heard Max once say he is not allowed to ride a MotoGP bike, because Red Bull thinks it's too dangerous."

Daniel laughs, "yeah they like us in one piece in the car. I'm glad I'm still allowed to ride after this summer. I guess they expect me to be more careful now."
"You'd better, I have no intentions of raising this little one alone." I've been riding one handed, with my other hand on my bump. I thought it would be more uncomfortable on horseback, but it's not so bad. Peanut was moving when we got on, but I think the rocking motions made him fall asleep.

"I'm so excited to see our little girl again today." Daniel says.
"What makes you so sure it's a girl?" I ask, even though I'm sure it's a boy.
"I don't know, just a feeling. I would love a boy, don't get me wrong. I will be equally happy either way. But I think I would be a great girl daddy." He melts my heart.
"I know you would be. So let's say you're right. What would you want to name her?"

I can almost hear his thoughts run a hundred miles per hour.
"Oh there are so many nice names, I like Luna, or Lizzy because they sound like names that fit a sweet little girl. But I also like Ivy, or Phoenix. They sound more feisty and if she is anything like you that would also fit her." I'm impressed, he had thought about this obviously.
"Oh I like all of them, how about if we have a girl, you get the decide on the name and if it's a boy I get to choose the first name? But we can only pick out of names we both agree on, so we will both love it." I would never pick a name he doesn't like and I know he wouldn't do the same.

"I like that. What are your ideas about boys names then?"
"Well I like Duncan, Callan or Morgan, but I also like Felix." I look at him to see his reaction.
He lets the options sink in for a bit and then smiles.
"Yeah I would love either one of them. So deal, I'll name a girl, you name a boy."
He steers Jack a bit closer to Rain and holds out his hand.
I switch the reins to my other hand and place my hand in his.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now