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"Skylar and Daniel come on in." Dr Dubois calls us in after waiting a couple of minutes in the waiting room.
"Take a seat, it's great to see the two of you again. I can see you've grown quite a nice bump there. How are you feeling?" She nods at me.
"I feel great. The little one is active, I've been able to feel movements since our honeymoon, so a couple of weeks now. Daniel has even been able to feel him a few times."
He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"That's pretty quick, but your placenta is on the back, so that helps." She pulls up our file on her computer.
"Ok so I see you've had a bit of a scary moment during Christmas. I'm sorry that you had to go through something like that again. I'm glad everything turned out ok." She gives us a sympathetic look.

"Yeah that wasn't great. But our baby is strong, so luckily she seems to be doing great." Daniel says and I can tell he still feels a bit guilty that it happened. I could never blame him for what happened. It's not like he invited her over, there was no way he could know what she wanted to do.
"She as in Skylar?" She asks and he grins.
"No, she as in the baby. I'm sure it's a girl, but Skylar doesn't agree. But we still don't want to know." He quickly adds, before she accidentally tells us. 

"That's ok, you won't hear it from me. I'll check your blood pressure and weight first and then it's time to see that little one of yours."
I take off my hoodie, it's pretty cold outside, so I might have 'borrowed' one of Daniels hoodies from his Enchanté merch. I love his clothes so much, but the Ric3 Rodeo line is my favorite so far.
She puts the cuff around my arm and the machine starts to inflate it. It gets really tight, my arm even starts to tingle, luckily I can feel it deflate again until it beeps to let us know it's done.

"Ooh that's perfect 120 over 70. Now let's get you on the scale."
I grunt, no woman ever wants to go on a scale, knowing she gained weight. Even though it is because I'm pregnant.
I'm glad to see I've only gained 1,5 pound, so it's only going up very slowly. Honestly I don't mind gaining weight, especially if that means peanut is growing well. For some reason I am a bit insecure if I gain a lot of weight Daniel won't find me attractive anymore. He says he will still love me no matter what I look like, but I also want him to find me hot and sexy. It's just in my head I know, I just don't know how to get it out.

"Alright, time for the scan. Hop on the bed, we will see how this little one is doing."
I get on and lower the maternity jeans I'm wearing. She puts some paper tissue in the waistband before putting on the gel.
"I'm just going to measure everything, we're going to check the heart, the stomach, I'm going to see if the organs are all developing and in the right place. Then we'll check the head and face. It will be a longer ultrasound this time, but we just want to go over everything."
Daniel sits down on the stool next to me and puts his arm above my head, immediately he starts to run his fingers through my hair which relaxes me.

"Ready to see your baby again?" Dr Dubois asks and we both nod.
She puts the probe on my bump and quickly gets a clear image of little peanut in there.
He looks even more like a baby since Christmas, I can't believe how fast he has grown.
She starts with the heart, the sounds of his fast and regular heartbeat soon fills the room.
"There she is, my little princess." Daniel glows with pride.
Dr Dubois smiles. "It can still be a boy you know."
Daniel vigorously shakes his head, "no this is definitely a girl. Just don't tell me if I'm right or not."

I'm just lying there, looking at our baby. I can't believe Daniel and I made a little person and it's growing inside me. The human body really is amazing.
She presses some buttons that now show blue and red on the screen.
"This is to see if the blood flow is normal through the heart. We can see if there's any holes or abnormalities. But this looks perfect. So no worries there."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now