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   Corey let out a deep sigh as he pushed open the refrigerator door

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Corey let out a deep sigh as he pushed open the refrigerator door. "So that kiss with Sidney, was it at least good before I ruined it?".

He grinned as he grabbed bottles of beers, carefully handing them to Tatum. "It was good, I'm sure Sidney will tell you different later when she tells you about it, she'll probably talk about it for hours".

"Of course she will, I'll be asking every single question in the book! This is an epic moment! My best friend is finally doing better in her love life!".

Corey grabs the last few beers and pushes the refrigerator door shut with his foot. "You're having way too much fun with this aren't you?".

Tatum nodded a sly smirk on her lips as she approached the door. "Shit, it's locked" she kicks at the door angrily and Corey sighs "at this rate we'll be stuck in here, everyone is probably drunk right now. And Stu's not very bright so he won't hear us if we shout".

Tatum pushes the garage button "screw that, let's just go through the garage door, we'll just go back in the front door". Corey walked behind her the duo both frowning when the doors began shutting.

"What the fuck?" Corey turns around gasping at the sight of the person in a ghostface mask. Tatum rolls her eyes and walks forward letting out an annoyed breath as she adjusts the beers in her hands.

"Is that you, Randy? Cute" Corey moves forward "Tatum..." she ignores him and keeps walking forward. "And what movie is this from? I spit on your garage? Seriously lose the mask! If Sidney sees it, she'll flip".

"Tatum I really think we should get out of here" Tatum looks at the figure in front of her smirking, "oh I get it, you wanna play psycho killer?".

The figure nods and Tatum smiles "can I be the helpless victim?" Corey grabs Tatums arm being cautious of the person in front of them.

"Okay, let's see. "No, please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface. I want to be in the sequel." She rolls her eyes and pushes past but is pushed back "cut, Casper. That's a wrap! Get out of the way".

"Tatum I really think you should get behind me" Tatum sighs deeply "it's just Randy being a little shit, we're fine.. he'll let us go in a second".

She goes toward the door again but the figure grabs her arm and she screams when the knife cuts into her flesh. "Hey asshole!" Corey smacks the beer bottle into the figures head harshly.

Tatum groans as she presses her arm against her chest "okay definitely not Randy, shit". Corey smacks another bottle onto the figures back "get out of here Tatum! I'll keep him here!".

Tatum goes for the door she sighs deeply "it's still locked! Damn it!" she let's out an angry shout as she pushes the garage button again.

She runs towards the door screaming when Corey is thrown toward her. The duo groan as they fall onto the ground the beer now spilling all over there clothes as they sit up quickly.

The garage door closes, Tatum stands up slamming the freezer door into the figure and running for the door way. She yells when the figure grabs her leg making her drop towards the ground.

She runs for the garage door trying to pry it open but she can't. Corey stands up off the ground throwing more beer bottles forward.

He lets out an angry sigh as he throws one directly at the figures face. "Fucking asshole!" Tatum throws herself onto the ground pushing herself through the pet door. "Shit I'm stuck!".

She can't see anything but she can hear Corey fighting, and she lets out a worried breath when it gets quiet. She kicks her feet harshly trying to get herself out of the door.

Then she panics when she hears the garage door begin to move. "No!" she screams kicking her legs hoping she can get out. Her body is rising upwards and she cries and begs for help.

"Corey!" she can feel the door getting closer and closer to the end, and she knows she can't get out. Then by some miracle the door starts going downwards and she feels someone grab her leg.

"No! Fucker!" she screams as she kicks her feet and then her body is pulled out of the pet door. Her eyes meeting with Corey's. Blood runs down the side of his face as he helps her stand up off the ground.

The figure lays behind them on the ground and Corey pushes the garage button again. "I don't know how long he'll be out for, we gotta go".

Tatum leans into him as they walk out of the garage, she lets out a heavy breath of relief. "You saved me... I thought I was going to die". Tears run down her cheeks as he helps her get into the police car in front of the house.

"You stay in here, lock the doors... I'll get Sidney out and we're gonna get the fuck outta here". Tatum looks at him with a sad smile "be careful, that fuckers still in there, get Sidney and leave".

He lets out a deep breath as he looks around "I'll be right back, if I don't come back in fifteen minutes, get out of here and find help". Tatum nods and he pushes the door shut she locks it and lets out a whimper as she watches him run back into the house.

Tatum screams when someone pounds on the door she turns "Sidney! Holy shit!" she unlocks the door quickly and Sidney climbs in "oh god, they got Billy! they're in the house".

Tatum locked the doors "shit! Corey just went in there looking for you Sid... what are we gonna do?". Sidney screams when the ghostface figure appears at the door.

Tatum smacks the door open harshly making the figure slam into the ground. "It's just an asshole in a mask, we can take him Sid!". Tatum steps out of the car grabbing the keys off the ground.

"Hurry, before they wake up!" Tatum jumps back into the car slamming the door shut. She starts the car "fuck this, we're getting out of here.. we'll get help and just come back".

Sidney looked outside seeing the figure is now gone. "No, you get help, stay away from this house, I'm going to find Corey and we're ending this".

Sidney gets out of the car and Tatum looks at her with a sad smile "I promise I'll be right back Sid, please don't die on me". Sidney smiles and watches as Tatum drives off down the road.

She looks at the house letting out a heavy breath after a minute she walks towards the door.

—authors notes:When Tatum said final girl she fucking meant it, she deserved to survive! two more chapters left!

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authors notes:
When Tatum said final girl she fucking meant it, she deserved to survive! two more chapters left!

𝘉𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺-𝘚𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘵𝘵 ✓Where stories live. Discover now