69| depression

118 8 2

"So tell me Corey, what are you?" the man leaned back on the couch, he hated the way it felt against his skin as he inhaled slightly. He would've thought after everything he's dealt with, he'd be used to the questions. He's seen so many books and articles with his face plaster on them, everyone was the same.

They wanted answers to his so-called life, they wanted to crack open his skull and weave apart the parts that made him Corey Becker. He had so many questions himself, why was he the one who suffered?

He licked his lips nervously as he thought hard on the question, what was he? He couldn't have been anything if it weren't for the hardships he's dealt with. He wasn't special and he definitely didn't deserve the fame and glory he gained throughout the years.

"A survivor?" He hated the way he said it but it slipped out of his like before he could stop himself. He wasn't a survivor, he was broken if anything.

"Why do you think you're a survivor Corey? Because you've managed to withstand the pressure of death multiple times? Your loved ones watched you suffer far too many times in the past and each time you claim it was for the greater good. Why do you think those people put on that mask and went after you? Why were you the star of their obsessions".

Corey had never thought of them in a long time, he remembered the faces and the names but all he could picture was the mask. He felt the urge to scream as he picked at the couch with his fingers, "I ask myself that everyday, and I don't think it'll ever be enough".

He chuckled slightly as he rubbed at his face "that's the thing about it all, it'll never be enough. No matter how many times I tell myself it's over and that I'm safe from some psycho in a mask, it happens again and the loop just resets and I'm trapped".

The woman smiled slightly and Corey hated the pity she was giving him. "Well it's possible you have doubts about this chapter of your life being over, maybe it's time you let yourself forget ghostface and start being more yourself. Do something Corey Becker would do if he had never faced these challenges when he was young, be yourself as if you were completely free of this trauma. I want you to go home and do something with your children, make a night of it if you can and forget your past. For the entire day you're just a normal guy and no one else".

Corey nodded as he stood up off the couch "I can try, but I can't imagine it'll be easy convincing my kids to hang out with me for the entire day. They have life's of their own and I'm barely a part of it".

"Then you make them understand, today is about you healing Corey and if they truly care about your wellbeing they will help you find yourself again".

Corey felt a sense of nostalgia when he watched his children gather around the living room floor, they kept shouting every few seconds when the movie would get more intense. "I can't believe they had this guy play dad in this movie, he doesn't even look like that!" he cringed at the sight of stab.

He's never seen the films but his children insisted he'd actually try for once, they were just movies and nothing more. He turned towards the stove looking dt the popcorn as it slowly started to form, the loud pops made his mind wandered off.

Casey was always the one who'd make the popcorn for movie nights, Steven would steal every single piece out of Corey's hands and they'd all laugh. Now all he felt was a sense of dread as he turned the stove off and ripped open the foil with a knife.

"Hey dad! How come you're not in the last stab movie? Didn't you let the studio have the rights to your character for like ten films? They made ten movies and you're not in the last one at all".

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