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    Roman let's out an angry shout as he runs at Mark and smacks him harshly

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Roman let's out an angry shout as he runs at Mark and smacks him harshly. The man flies into the wall passing out. "Corey!" Roman kneels down gripping the boys face as he cries out.

"Shh, it's okay" tears run down his eyes as he groans the gun falls out of his hands. He screams when he's pushed upwards his body burning as Roman hugs him.

He can taste the blood on his lips "Rome" he lets out a pained sob as his head falls against the man's shoulder his ears start ringing, his vision blurry. He can feel the light touch of Roman, his fingers gripping his cheek as he looks down at him with worry "you're gonna be okay, I'm so sorry".

Corey screams out in agony his body getting weak as he tightens his grasp on Romans hands. He lets out a gargled noise as blood runs out of his lips.

He doesn't reach for the gun beside his finger tips, he looks at the ceiling seeing the end of his life. "You're gonna be alright Corey, just keep your eyes open for me okay, can you do that for me?".

Corey groaned his grasp tightening on Roman's hand "leave me here". The man let out a deep sigh "I'm not leaving you here to die Corey, you were never meant to get hurt... you were gonna be free from being hurt ever again. I thought you'd be safe but I was so wrong, I failed at protecting you".

Corey smiled weakly blood leaving his lips as he reaches his hand towards Roman's cheeks. "I failed Rome..." tears slipped out of his eyes "I-I don't hate you, I could never hate you..".

Corey cried "and that terrifies me" Roman kissed Corey the boy gripping onto him with such determination. Roman let out a shaky breath "I'm getting us out of here, we can go anywhere, just you and me and all of this behind us".

Corey nods groaning when Roman picks him off the ground. "Just keep talking, don't let yourself fall asleep, stay awake for me Corey".

Corey looked at the walls his body burning as he was walked down the hallway. He lets out a cough as the cold air wraps around his body.

"We're almost there, just hold on for me baby, just a little longer, don't die on me". Corey shivered when he was placed inside the car Roman smiled at him as he gripped his face. "You're beautiful Corey Becker, and I know you'll never truly forgive me for what I did... and I'm so fucking sorry, just know I'll do anything I can to make it up to you. I promise you, everything will be normal again".

Corey smiled then the moment slipped out of his body when he saw Sidney standing behind Roman. Her hand wrapped around a knife as she lifts it into the air, ready to kill the man.

Corey cries out "Sid! No!" Roman cries out when the knife is stabbed into his back his body falling towards the ground as Sidney glares at him.

Corey cries out in agony as he pushes himself out of the car. He falls towards the ground his body weak as he reaches his hand towards Sidney.

Corey let's out a sob "please Sid... No!" it was too late she stabs roman and Corey let out a scream as he watched the blood coat Roman's lips.

Corey turns his head slightly his eyes mending with Romans. Tears slip out of his eyes as he reaches his hand forward he can feel the tips of Roman's fingers almost touching his. The man smiles at him as tears run down his cheeks "Corey I'm sorry...".

Then he watches the last of his hope slip away as Roman takes his last breath. There hands don't touch and Corey can feel the ring on his finger start to disappear as he cries out.

He leans into the ground "Corey" he ignores the sound of Sidney speaking to him. Her hands gripping his face "Corey please forgive me".

He lets out a shaky breath as he looks at Sidney "just let me die, just leave me here" he pushes his head into the ground. "Corey I'm not letting you die, the police will be here soon, you'll be okay.. just please don't give up, don't give up Corey".

"Sidney!" she turns smiling sadly at the sight of Gale and Dewey the duo holding onto one another as they look at Corey. "I called the cops, they'll be here soon, I can't believe it was Roman..".

Jennifer's voice was loud as she ran out of the house "I always knew he was a psychopath, I can't believe he almost killed me! If it weren't for Corey, gosh I'd probably be dead right now".

Corey let out a weak breath feeling the blood leave his body as it mended into the ground. "He's losing a lot of blood, Corey stay awake". His eyes opened when he felt someone gently push against it.

He cried out when he was lifted off the ground the pain spreading through out his entire body as he felt the softness of the gurney underneath him.

The voices were muffled all around him as he felt the oxygen mask be placed over his lips. He couldn't help but cry as his gaze looked at Roman's body, he watched as it was covered up.

He lets out a heavy breath as he was pushed into the ambulance, the sirens loud as he kept watching the world around him burn away into nothing,

He felt so cold and helpless as he watched the house disappear from his sight. The ring on his finger felt like a heavy weight as he looked at the bright lights above him. The sting of the needles jabbing into his flesh as he was healed.

Saved once again from death, only this time he ached for it to take him away. To let him be consumed in its flames as he died. But instead he was cursed into the light, once again breathing.

he had finally lost everything.

—authors notes: one word bitch; broken, in tears, Corey!!!, heartbroken!the last chapter of this act will be out tomorrow, I don't think I can write anymore tonight

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authors notes: one word
bitch; broken, in tears, Corey!!!, heartbroken!
the last chapter of this act will be out tomorrow, I don't think I can write anymore tonight.

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