061| life is complicated

352 11 2

    he couldn't breath the mask that rested along his skin made him uncomfortable. The thickness of it made air limited, he savored every second of it. He tasted the water that hit the cloth every second.

His wrists burned and he couldn't feel his feet anymore, he let out a shaky breath as the chains dug into his flesh. His body dangling as he heaved for air, he screamed out when the knife slid across his chest.

He pushed his head back as he cursed to himself, one and two and three and fuck! He pinched his eyes shut starting over. One and two and three and four and breath and five and six and.... He screamed out feeling the warmth of his own blood running down his body. The mask was pulled off his head, he coughed as his eyes blinked rapidly.

Corey screamed out when the blades wrapped around his finger. He inhaled so sharply he was sure he would pass out at any second, he lost track of the days. He felt so numb when the metal snapped down, clawing away at his flesh and skin, he felt his bone crack.

Felt the skin rip itself apart as his finger slipped off and fell to the ground beneath him. "Ah Motherfucker!" he tugged at the chains blood gushing out of his finger as the killer picked it off the ground.

He saw the ring on it. The same one Sidney put on him the day they got married "if you hurt her, I swear to god..." he inhaled sharply as the killer put the mask back over his face. "Nighty night Corey" he jumped when the door was slammed shut, and once again he was greeted by darkness.

    "Oh it's his alright, I recognize that ring anywhere" Kirby clicked the button, the camera flashing as it took a photo of the finger on the ground. "Victim is unknown, Jane Doe as of this moment. But this finger was left here on purpose, killer wants us to know he has Corey, they're taunting us at this rate". Kirby stood upwards pushing her hair back slightly as she looked at Samatha and Tara.

"Normally I don't let anyone near crime scenes, but seeing this fucker is messing with us... only seems fair you two are here". She sighed slightly, her nights rough and full of no sleep. So much for a clean slate of no more ghostface cases, but this one mattered.

"Why is the killer only leaving behind... Corey's fingers? I mean first it was the teeth, and then the hair for some weird reason, and now a finger? I mean not to sound like a bitch, but what about Sidney? Why not carve her up too?".

Kirby chuckled slightly "I doubt Corey's letting this asshole mess with Sidney, we all know he'd die first before he let someone touch her, unless they're waiting, we obviously know they're not targeting us this time, Corey and Sidney went missing six months ago, still no sign of them".

She looked at the woman's body on the ground "why start leaving clues now? Three bodies in a course of a week and each holding a piece of evidence linking Corey into all of this". Kirby looked at the finger contained inside a plastic bag, "this is fresh, must've been cut off recently, victims body is fresh as well".

Samantha looked away from the bag her gaze searching through the crowd of people that lingered. "Which means that fucker is around here somewhere" she pressed her arms against her chest sneering angrily "none of this would've happened if I hadn't just kept an eye on them, I leave for one night... one night and then they're just gone when I get back".

"Hey, it's not your fault Sam, and it's definitely not yours either Tara so you girls better stop blaming yourselves for this". Kirby frowned slightly when her eye caught sight of something shiny in the victims pocket "that's interesting".

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