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    "He couldn't have gotten far" Corey limped forward his body starting to grow weak as he passed a wall he could see trials of blood

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"He couldn't have gotten far" Corey limped forward his body starting to grow weak as he passed a wall he could see trials of blood. It was fresh and he knew it could only belong to Mickey.

The boy likely took his opportunity to run when he saw Debbie be killed. Corey honestly should've known to make sure Mickey was dead too.

He walked slowly pushing past a fake tree and seeing the blood end near a doorway. "Like I'd fall for that" he moves back to avoid the area where the blood ends but is cut short when he bumps someone.

He could feel the tight grasp of Mickey holding onto him he felt the jab of the knife stabbing his hand making him scream out in horror.

He grips Mickeys arm pulling him forward harshly, the boy cries out as he is smacked into a wall. "I've never understood people's obsession with horror movies! I mean cmon Mick, you could've just said you were a fan of my life! I would've gave you an autograph, signed your stupid knife collection!".

Mickey laughs "that's cute, you think you can sweet talk me? I'm already practically dead! At least I'd get one final kill in before I tragically die! I mean it was never about Sidney for me...".

Mickey smiles as he runs his knife along Corey's cheek "it was all about you, Corey Becker you're in the sidelines, but we all know you were the star in stab! I wanted to gut you myself ever since I saw you that day in class, you're a lot more beautiful in person, you're a very hard guy to get alone...".

Corey winced when the knife moved down his chest poking at his skin. "I bet you wish you spared me a minute of your time now, huh? I mean you were always with Hallie! And then you went and broke her heart! She comes running to me for guidance, and what do I do? I hand her a knife! Tell her it's not the end of the world, tell her why not go for the Corey Becker! Kill him where he stands".

Corey let out a soft laugh "so you both decided to attack me at Cici's house, how cute... I mean it's not like you could've done it yourself. You made a girl do all the things you couldn't do. Now I remember who it was in the van, it was you...".

Corey jabs his finger into Mickeys chest "Mr. no keep him alive! He's more valuable alive! We can't beat Sid unless we keep him alive! For someone who wants me dead so much, you sure did fight to keep me alive... I mean Hallie was ready to kill me on the spot, so why did you save me? Let me guess... you wanted the kill all for yourself?".

Mickey grins "what can I say? I've always wanted to see what your insides looked like. I wanna feel your blood on my finger tips! Watch the light leave your eyes! I get that honor! ME! no one else!".

Corey stabs the knife into Mickeys chest "if you wanted to be my friend so badly, all you had to do was ask... all you had to do was ask Mickey".

Mickey let's out a gargled noise "so much for my happy ending.... Huh Corey?" the boy coughs blood leaving his lips as Corey pulls the knife out.

"You don't get a happy ending" he kicks Mickey to the ground letting out a heavy breath as he watches Mickey take his last breath. The exhaustion hits him and he falls towards the ground his body aching as he cries, he presses his hands against his face.

"Corey!" Sidney runs towards him kneeling down "are you alright?" he looked up "I've been better". She helps him off the ground and he groans as he leans into her for support.

"Look who I found" Corey smiles weakly as Tatum and Randy all run towards him. "Hey man, you aren't looking too good" Corey hits Randy's shoulder lightly "I could say the same for you".

They all laugh the moment fading when someone smacks there hand down onto the stage "oh fuck!" Gale groans as she stands up "Could somebody get me outta here? I'm stuck".

Sidney runs toward the woman grabbing a hold of her hands "Gale, are you all right? We thought you were dead!" the woman laughs as she climbs onto the stage. Sidney helps her stand up fully.

"I been shot. Of course I'm not okay, but as long as I'm not dead I guess I'd rather deal with this".

Corey sighs "you scared the crap out of us Gale. We thought you were a predator or something! I'm losing a lot of blood, thought I must've started hallucinating or something".

Gale let out a weak laugh "I could go for a smoke right about now, the bullet bounced off my ribs, nothing permanent but damn it hurt like a bitch".

Corey sighed "I don't even smoke and I want one, geez life is rough! I'm not even twenty yet!". He leaned into Tatum, Gale looked at Debbie.

"Are they all dead?" Sidney sighs "I don't know, they always come back "Mrs. Loomis is with her good ole boy Billy. Hallie is practically hamburger meat, and Mickey. I stabbed him in the heart".

Everyone laughed lightly and Corey leaned into Tatums shoulder. "You know, we're all still final girls! Looks like you're apart of our group now Gale, seeing you've survived this time too".

Randy smiled "oh bring it in you guys! Group hug!" Corey laughed as he was crushed in everyone's arms. "I feel like we really should make t-shirts now, next time we all get together, I'm getting us all shirts that say final girl squad!l".

They all walked outside the bright sun shining down on there faces Corey winced shielding his eyes from it. "I guess stab II is happening now".

—authors notes:what an epic finale! If this was a real movie I'd watch it over and over again until my eyes physically can't open

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authors notes:
what an epic finale! If this was a real movie I'd watch it over and over again until my eyes physically can't open. Also Mickey is so madly in love with Corey he just doesn't wanna admit it, he's dead so it don't matter but still, just say you love him! Anyways one more chapter left and then act three starts! I'm thinking maybe Corey is apart of the stab 3 group, maybe he's just an helper on set or something, I want it solely opposite of Sidney where she's like hiding and what not, he's like out in the open he don't care if he's seen. It's just more cool I think. Anyways enjoy!

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