067| anger

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Corey would think he'd feel some type of way when he saw his dead husband walking down a flight of stairs towards him. He felt blank as he sighed deeply "you know, not to be dramatic or anything but part of me was hoping you'd trip and fall down those stairs, they were never really cool stairs and I can't believe I agreed on them when we bought this house".

"I see you're still the same" Corey rolled his eyes "I just got taller is all, and a little bit older but I mean it's not like it matters now, I'm dead and life goes forward and people forget about you. It's not like I'll be sad about it, no one will miss me".

Roman chuckled slightly "you're always doubting yourself, I guess old habits don't die. I helped you once, I'm sure for you it felt so long ago but when you're here you tend to reflect on all your choices. If I could I'd go back and do it again I'd do differently".

Corey hummed slightly "oh yeah, let me guess you'd kill me when you get the chance? Maybe succeed with your little stab movie and then you'd reflect on all the fame and glory you gained along the way. You know you're not the first person who wanted me dead or used me to get to Sidney. It's a long line and apparently it'll never go away".

Roman sat down on a couch and Corey looked at him "not gonna chase me around? The others were so happy to do it when I appeared to them. I mean Jill loved it the most, to think I trusted her once, I trusted you once too, but I guess things change".

Roman looked miserable as he tapped his hands on his thighs "you know sometimes I sit here and think about everything we've done together. Part of me wishes my obsession with Sidney wasn't so strong, that I'd just got over my mother leaving me behind, maybe in some way we could've worked out and been normal. You got that life with Sidney, I guess I'm not surprised you ended up with her of all people. Seems she's always taking people away from me".

Corey walked around the room looking at the old furniture and photos along the walls. "That's all in the past, I grieved you and then I got better and well turns out in the end it was all a lie. Killing you was one of the easiest things I've ever done and to think at one point I couldn't do it. I remember pointing that gun at you and yet I didn't do anything. I just stood there and hoped it all ended, that it was some dream".

Corey sighed as he looked at Roman "I don't grieve for you anymore and I definitely don't love you anymore either. Those things faded away a long time ago, and yet when I died you were there. I didn't want you there, but you were still there".

Roman chuckled slightly "even if you pretend you don't care about me anymore, a part of you latched onto me when you died, you were scared and needed someone to help you. Sure you saw Casey at first but your sister couldn't have held your heart the entire time, she wasn't there for you all those years you spent isolated. You were this broken boy who had lost everything and I picked up the pieces and helped you. Even if you claim you hate me and that it was fake, it felt pretty real to me, at least until the end".

Corey picked up a photo and stared at it "I look at the person in this picture and I don't even recognize him anymore. This is me... and yet I can't remember this moment, or this house or anything remotely happy about being with you. I just remember the pain and all the suffering you put me through, you ruined my life the second you walked into it. We hadn't even meant until you made it happen, I was a part of your plan, your revenge. You knew if you gained my trust I'd tell you where Sidney was in a heartbeat".

Roman stood up "except you never did tell me where she was, I figured it out on my own so easily and I knew for months where she was. Hiding was easy for her and yet she didn't care about you. You didn't hide like she did, you didn't care if someone went after you because you thought you were finally safe".

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