070| acceptance

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     Death was a devastating thing, and it lingered along the small town of woodsboro for years. Some say it was a curse that wouldn't go away anytime soon, that every few years someone would be killed.

This time felt more different, in all of Maureen Prescott's life she had watched her parents hide away from the darkness of this so-called curse. Now her mother had been claimed by the curse and was dead, Maureen didn't enjoy the responsibility of her siblings as she watched her mothers body be driven away.

She could hear the soft whispers of the neighbors as they watched the scene unfold. She would've said something but she didn't have the energy anymore, she was exhausted and scared.

Her mind kept tricking her and she couldn't get it to shut up no matter how hard she focused on the positive side of things. Her fathers heart had stopped, and then by some miracle it had started again and he was once again brought back into the world of chaos.

Corey Becker knew the torment of ghostface ever since he was seventeen years old. Even as he faced death and saw what the other side held for him, he couldn't help but want to have stayed dead.

He'd be at peace knowing he'd have a semi-decent happy after life, he'd be in the arms of Sidney and they would watch the world unfold as time passed.

He'd watch his children grow into independent people and then he'd find peace when they were reunited. He felt a sense of dread when he opened his eyes to the world, he felt the familiar hum of the outside world trying to catch a glimpse at him.

the Corey Becker was alive and well and by some grand miracle he wasn't on the verge of death any longer. Sure his body felt like it was on fire and he could barely sit up without that dull ache stabbing away at his organs as he winced.

He ignored the cameras and bright flashes as he looked outside the window. He could see all the news vans lined up right outside the entrance of the hospital. If Sidney were here she'd likely call him a dork for thinking he could sneak past them without being noticed once.

His face was plastered all over the news which meant getting out undetected wasn't going to be easy. Of course he didn't mind the thought of being on camera, he'd likely just insult a few reporters before he made his way towards his daughter's car.

He felt the shame in her eyes when she would visit, she was disappointed in his action, he had wanted to die... he didn't fight back and that made her pretty upset. She hasn't spoken a single word to him since she stepped into the room, not until she caught sight of him looking outside the window.

His face contradicted on the people that rested along the sidewalks, his eyebrow scrunched slightly as he frowned, then it faded almost immediately when he heard Maureen clear her throat.

His eyes meant with hers, he looked away... those were Sidney's eyes. "Gonna bash me for looking outside at those noisy assholes? It's not a crime to be curious on who's trying to get my life story. It's been years since I've had this kind of attention".

He pushed the curtains closed slowly almost as if he was being cautious as he looked at Maureen. "You know I used to be in your shoes once, thinking the world was burning around me as I watched the people I love give up, you'd be surprised how many people stop fighting when they're gonna die. It's in the eyes, you can see that glance of fear slip away and it's just a beautiful silence as they just fade away. It's not the same look for everyone... all those people who tried killing me and your mother, they were darker. They were scared of dying, at least some of them were".

He licked his lips as he thought deeply of his past actions "maybe it's time I just stop fighting back, I'm tired of fighting to stay alive, my body can't handle it anymore, I just need to rest and not be someone I'm not anymore. When I'm actually dead it's your responsibility to handle this situation Maureen, the flame I carry will be passed down to you because of who I am, you're associated with me forever and that connection will never go away".

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