066| denial

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"And well there you go, that's how I died" the room was silent aside from a few side glances at one another, the distant sound of someone clearing their throat made the man look upwards.

"Corey, all we asked is how you died.... You gave us your entire life story" Corey blinked slowly as he looked at the people surrounding him. "Well you asked how I died, I couldn't just tell you Mark slit my throat, that's boring! Come on Randy back me up here, it's lame right?".

Randy shrugged "I don't know man, half of what you said I was there for, a good chunk of it actually. Well... all of it actually, except for the end part, I died before I got to see anything else exciting".

Corey groaned in annoyance "even in the afterlife I can't tell my story! I spent a good time telling you that story, even down to the last detail of me dying. If I knew this was going to be a lame intervention I would've gone to the room down the hallway".

Corey looked at the door that was always bolted shut and huffed "this isn't an intervention Corey, that would involve you having an addiction or something, and even if you did, you're dead, so can't really intervene anything if you're dead".

Corey rolled his eyes "I thought being dead would be peaceful, I'm stuck in a stupid room with all you idiots, maybe this is my punishment for everything I did, gosh I hope Sidney's okay".

He went to stand up but he was forced back down "don't... the others will try to get up and it'll end badly for a lot of us. Last one who tried to escape was Judy I think, kept saying she needed to find Wes".

Corey looked around "and what happened?" Tatum sighed "the others got to her again and she got stuck in another group, if she's lucky maybe Wes is apart of it, these rooms aren't exactly labeled and if you try to leave or even just go to the door, whoever killed you comes back and gets to kill you again or any ghostface prick really. You sorta just go into another room, with more ghostface victims, or if you're unlucky like Casey was she's stuck with all ghostface killers so they just keep killing her".

Corey's eyes widened "Casey's here!" he stood up quickly and Tatum let out a soft breath "Corey, don't we just got you here, what if you don't come back here. Do you know how many people have died because of ghostface, how many rooms there could be here, and that's even with just the people we know".

He sighed "I just have to go to the door, I mean I can keep trying, it's not like I'll die again. You said it yourself Tatum we're survivors, we're the final girl squad! I'm not going down without a fight".

"Just be careful, we don't know how this place works fully, the others will be able to help you a lot more than us, we've only been here for a few weeks and everyone else has years on us".

Corey walked towards the door "Stevens the first victim I just have to find him and he'll take me to Casey or at least show me where she could be". He reached his hand towards the door knob and twisted it, he was surprised when it opened.

He turned and looked at Randy and Tatum "I'll come back for you guys, I promise!" Then the door was slammed shut as he was pulled through it.

He groaned as he fell into a hard wall, his body aching as he sat up "for being dead that fucking hurt". He rubbed at his side as he looked around the room, he frowned as he watched it morph into a different room.

"Do you remember Corey..." he looked around as he recognized the home he was standing in. He turned at the sight of the figure emerging from the shadows "I'm not surprised you want to kill me first Jill, I mean I did technically kill you".

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