Chapter 9 - Settling In

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I had been back in England for two weeks now and was finally feeling a little more comfortable at Beth and Vivs. They were both so welcoming, I knew it would be easy with Beth as we were really good friends and were always together at the England camps. We also stayed in touch in between whilst I was in Barcelona and Beth was in England, texting, FaceTime and even the odd visit when I visited England. I didn't know Viv too well, only from conversations we had during my phone calls with Beth so I was slightly worried that she would feel I was encroaching on there space.

But I couldn't have been more wrong, Viv was lovely and so welcoming. I was actually a little star struck when I first arrived, she is an incredible player and someone I had always looked up to and I enjoyed watching her play. She is quite shy but once you get to know her she definitely has a good sense of humour, but is very kind and caring. Another plus is that she loves a good cuppa, which I couldn't have been happier about as nothing beats a brew! I did have to convince her that we needed to change the teabags over...

"Viv, fancy a cuppa?" I asked.

"Yes, always!"

As I handed Viv her tea, I was staring intently at her.

"What have you done to it?" Viv asked raising an eyebrow as she was about to take a sip.

"Nothing, get it down ya" I smiled as I took a sip of my own.

Viv nervously takes a sip "hmm...what's changed?"

"Do you like it?"


"Confession time...I've used different tea bags"

"What??? you know I only like PG Tips" Viv did not look happy.

"You just said you liked this one and its definitely NOT PG Tips"

"Hmm, it is nice" Viv says as she continues sipping at her tea.

"Yorkshire Tea, you can't beat it." I have a stupid smile on my face, smug almost "So you convinced, can we change?"

"I suppose so" Viv replies with a sweet smile.

So going forward, Yorkshire Tea it is!


Leah had also popped around a few times too which was nice. I enjoyed Leah's company, she was fun to be around and we had good banter between us, we had spent a fair bit of time together during the lionesses camps as I am good friends with Kiera, but there was one or two camps that either one of us missed due to injuries. We didn't communicate much outside of camps, apart from the odd instagram like or comment on each others posts or if we ever bumped into each other on one of my visits to England, which usually included a visit to see Beth. So we wasn't super close but had a good enough friendship, we shared similar views on the world and had similar core values in life. I was looking forward to getting to know her more and for our friendship to grow.


It is a couple of nights before pre-season training begins, and honestly I couldn't wait to get started and to get to know all the girls more. Beth and Viv took me on a few coffee (Obviously a Yorkshire Tea for me) dates with some of the girls already since I got here, so i'd already met quite a few of them, including Lia, Caitlin, Katie and Jen. All of which where welcoming, I could already tell the team had a real 'family' bond which was one of the main reasons I chose Arsenal as all I've ever wanted to do was be the best I can, but for the team. Despite all the hype around the world record transfer fee, I was very much a team player and would do whatever was asked of me in order to benefit my team.

Beth, Viv and I are sat in the kitchen, enjoying a brew (of course).

"Shall we invite some of the girls around tonight for a few drinks and food?" Beth asks

"Good idea, one last chance to have a few drinks before training begins!" Viv says excitedly

"Good with me, will be nice to get to know them a bit more" I respond

Arsenal women group chat:

Beth: Girls, food and drinks at ours tonight, 7pm? X

Lia: Yes from me, excited! X

Caitlin: Yes girls!

Steph: Yes from me too, can Calvin come? X

Ellie: Steph, if Calvin ain't coming, your not invited, sorry

Steph: Right, so you actually only want Calvin there and not me?

Lia: Jonesy you've been busted

Ellie: I'm joking Steph of course you can come (as long as Calvin comes too 😏🐶)

Steph: Hmmm, I'm onto you Jonesy but we will be there! X

Katie: In

Leah: I'll be there (Especially now Calvin is coming 🙃) x

Steph: Leah!! Don't you start x

Ellie: Ey, I've got first dibs on the puppy love

Leah: I've known him longer x

Ellie: 😮 that one hurt

Leah: Sorry 😇 x

Ellie: You will be 😉

Leah: Oh really 😏 x

Beth: Cough Cough....Let's keep this PG.

Leah: 😇

Ellie: 😈

Lia: I have no idea what is going on but see you all tonight

Ping ping ping...The chat dies down but the notifications come through on the reactions on the messages of people reacting with laughing emojis in the group.

"Was you just flirting with Leah?" Beth walks over to me with a smirk as I was sat on the sofa.

I look at her with a confused look "What are you talking about?"

"In the group chat"

I throw a cushion at her and let out a laugh "Shurrup Beth! I'm off to get a shower and get ready"

"Hmm, I'll keep my eyes on you two" Beth has a huge grin and points her fingers at her eyes and back to me, back and forth. 

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