Chapter 84 - Baby Steps

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Leah's POV

As I opened my eyes, my stomach immediately filled with butterflies as I felt Ellies arm still draped over me. My back pressed against her body. Not only was this the first time we have slept in the same bed as each other in what feels like forever, but its always been a surprise to still have Ellie in the bed in a morning, never mind still actually asleep.

I slowly turn my body to face her, not wanting to wake her. I did debate whether to try and sneak out of bed to make her a cup of tea, but I changed my mind quite quickly as I was enjoying been snuggled into her as she slept. I can't help but look at her, she is so god damn beautiful, even first thing in the morning. I gently peer over Ellies shoulder to check the time, it's just gone 8am. She definitely must have needed this. After last night, we both fell to sleep in each others arms pretty quickly after we got into bed, it was intense and I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for her, how vulnerable she must have felt. What happened to Ellie is something that she will never forget but I want to be the person that helps her feel safe, shows her how wanted she is and how loved she is. Something which I'm determined to do, I just, I'm not sure how. And I'm not even sure if she wants me too.

I feel Ellie start to stir, as her arm grips around me tightly, but her eyes remain closed

"Buen Dia" I whisper, a small smile appears on Ellies face

"Muy buena. Buen dias hermosa" Ellie says with a groggy morning voice as she rests her head on top of mine, still not opening her eyes. I've so missed her groggy morning Spanish voice.

We lay in silence for a few minutes, but not an awkward silence. Both just happy to be here, with each other.

"Are you ok?" Ellie whispers

"More than. Are you?"


"Thank you"

Ellie shifts her head off the top of mine as she leans it back slightly on the pillow to see my face "What for?"

"For last night" I slowly reach my hand and cup her cheek "I'm proud of you. Thank you for...trusting me"

"Me trusting you has never been the problem"

"I know" I sigh

"Hey" Ellie says softly as she gently lifts my chin "Time" she whispers

I look at her with a slightly confused look

"It will take time" She smiles before she lets out a soft laugh "Just don't bite my head off at every opportunity"

I slowly lift my hand up to Ellies shoulder, I look at her slightly, just wanting to check

"It's fine" Ellie smiles

I start tracing small circles over her shoulder, watching my fingers over her skin. There is so much I want to say to Ellie, but I'm not just not sure how to approach it, how to go about it.

Ping Ping

Ellie reaches over to the bedside table, peering at both of our phones

"It's yours" she says as she hands it to me


"What's up?"

"I forgot" I say as I show Ellie my phone

Mum: Morning bubs, I'm outside. I noticed Ellies car here so didn't want to let myself in. We can re-arrange? X

"Don't leave her outside" Ellie says as she playfully kicks me out of bed, which makes us both laugh as I leave the bedroom to let Mum in.

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