Chapter 40 - Date Panic

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Leah's PO.V

I can't help the huge smile that is plastered all over my face as I walk into my house. I need to tell someone, I pick up my phone and immediately FaceTime Lia.

"Are you missing me already?" Lia smiles into the phone

"Of course"

"Tell me. What happened?" Lia says excitedly "Wait, I'm assuming she's not with you right now?"

"No, I did ask her to come in but she said no"

"What? Why? What happened?"

"No, not like that. She said she wanted too but that she didn't think it was a good idea right now and she was right"

"Yeah I suppose, not after your did you describe it....'heated' kiss" Lia smirks

"Shut up" I feel shy now "Ellie asked me on a date"

"OMG, what?"

I can't help but just smile back

"Where is she taking you?"

"I have no idea, she wouldn't tell me"

"Cute" Lia smiles "I'm here for you two"

"Calm down Lia, we need to take it slow. I've still got my guard up after what happened"

"I know, you definitely need to make her put the effort in and be certain she won't do anything like that again, but I really don't think she will Leah"

"I hope not" I smile

"You need to try and forget about everything that's happened so far and just start a fresh, start again"

"I know but its easier said than done"

"Has Ellie ever even been on a date?" Lia starts laughing

I laugh too "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she has, I'm sure she told me she has"

"Not for someone who she has feelings for though ay" Lia smirks

"Hmmm" Is I all I can say, laughing a little

"When is the date?"

"I don't know, we didn't arrange an actual date"

"I'm excited!" Lia squeals

"Lia" I face palm

"Whattttt, sorry, I can't help it. Sorry to cut this short but I've got to go but i'll speak to you later" Lia waves at the phone, I wave back "Bye mate"

I can't seem to get this stupid smile off my face. Shall I text Ellie to see if she has got home safe? Or is that too eager? Fuck it.

Leah: Thanks for breakfast 🙂 Did you get home ok?


Ellies P.O.V

I smile all the way home, honestly if anyone driving by had seen me they would have thought I was a right nut job. But I was happy, I know I can't get my hopes up too much but she did say yes to breakfast this morning and she did say yes to a date. A Date. Shit. A Fucking Date. Panic is setting in. Ok so I've been on dates before, plenty in fact but generally with the intention that it was just going to end in a bit of fun, I've never been on a date when I've actually had feelings for the person. Fuck. Shit. I pull into the drive way and practically run into my house.

"BETH! BETH!" I shout

Beth comes bolting down the stairs like Usain Bolt

"ELLIE! What's happened, are you ok?" Beth tries to say as she is out of breath

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