Chapter 59 - Meeting the Family (Part 2)

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I wake up the next morning, I can tell its still early as its still dark outside. Leah is still snuggled into my side. Cute. I reach over to my phone quietly, trying not to disturb Leah. 6am. I find myself staring at her and smiling, she's so beautiful. I gently stroke her hair and place a kiss on her head. The way she makes me feel is crazy, I've never been like this with anyone before, but it just feels so right. As much as I'd love to just lay here forever until Leah wakes up, I need a pee. I slide myself out of bed, I throw on some shorts and T-shirts and head to the bathroom. As I come back, I again find myself staring at her, a smile on my face. She looks so peaceful. Stop been weird Ellie. I contemplate getting back in bed but decide to head downstairs, I need a cuppa.

I creep downstairs not wanting to wake the house up and head into the kitchen to make myself a cuppa. I notice Leah's headphones on the side so I connect them to my phone and start listening to some music. Before I know it, I'm tidying the kitchen, making myself useful. I'm bopping around the kitchen, tidying away and quietly singing along to the music.

Suddenly I feel a hand touch my arm

"Fuckinell" I shout, quietly. Jumping out my skin.

"Sorry darling" Amanda laughs quietly

I take out my head phones and let out a little smile, feeling a bit embarrassed that I've just swore at Leah's mum "Sorry" I mumble

"It's fine, sorry for scaring you" Amanda smiles "What are you doing?"

"Oh err, I'm an early riser so thought id make myself useful" I say, looking around the kitchen.

"Ellie, thank you but you really didn't have too. Sit down, let me make you a drink"

"It's the least I could do" I smile

Amanda makes us both a drink and sits next to me at the table.

"Thanks for having me last night" I smile

"Your welcome, it was nice to finally meet you properly"

"It was nice to meet you all too, it reminded me of home"

"Do you get to see your family much?"

"Er, I've only managed to go back once since I've been at Arsenal, they try to come to games too when they can but they can't make them all"

"Well, you are welcome here, anytime" Amanda smiles at me

"Thank you, your house is lovely"

We both sit in silence for a little while, not awkward silence though. A nice silence. To say I met all of Leah's family last night and now I'm sat in her mums house with her mum I'm actually pretty relaxed about it. I thought I'd be a nervous wreck, don't get me wrong, I was shitting myself on the way here yesterday but they are just so welcoming.

"Leah doesn't shut up about you, you know" Amanda smirks

I face palm myself "Oh no"

"No, no, not in a bad way. In a good way"

I can't help the nervous, shy smile that appears on my face.

Amanda reaches over and places her hand on top of mine "You make her happy Ellie, and that's all a mum can ever ask for"

"She makes me happy too" I smile

"I know, I could see it last night. The way you both look at each other. I know there is a lot on social media about you both, and both you of individually but please try not to let it get between you both"

I nod and smile at Amanda.

"Breakfast?" I ask, a smile on my face

"Of course, what would you like?" Amanda asks as she starts standing up

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