Chapter 42 - Guess Who

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Ellies P.O.V

I went to sleep happy last night. Yesterday, with Leah, was perfect, it couldn't have gone any better. Ok, maybe I shouldn't have chosen foot golf but it worked out ok in the end. The sunset was perfect though, I'm glad I decided to take Leah there afterwards. I didn't really want to ask Leah about whether she thought my past would get in the way but I just needed to know, it has been playing on my mind, a lot. And maybe it will get in the way, but I just have to accept that whatever will be, will be.

"Morning you two" I smile at Beth and Viv as they enter the kitchen "Cuppa to go?"

"Morning, yes please" Viv says

"Morning mate, no I'm good thanks" Beth responds

"Do you want me to drive us to training?" I ask

"Yes and then we want to know all about your date!" Beth announces, excitedly

I cant help but smile

"By the looks of this face of yours, it went pretty well" Beth grabs one of my cheeks and pulls it gently like you would a baby

"Get off, come on lets go" I laugh

We all head off to the car and start the car journey to the training centre

"Come on then" Viv says

"Well, ill tell you both first because no doubt it will be the first thing Leah tells you anyway. I took her to foot golf..."

"Foot golf?" Viv interrupts

"Ellie, you didn't?" Beth face palms herself

"Yeah I did, well that was part 1...anyway, she beat me"

Beth and Viv both start laughing "Oh she's never going to let you live that down" Viv smiles

"Oh, I know, tell me about it" I sigh

"So what was part 2?" Beth asks

"I took her to a lake, to watch the sunset" I announce, feeling quietly proud of myself

"Awww, see, much better Jonesy" Beth smiles at me, Viv doesn't say anything but I can see her smiling too

"Sooo, what happened?" Beth says

"It was just nice. It was nice to be around her, on our own. It was like it was before, at the very beginning, both of us just happy to be around each other, laughing together. It was good. No pressure"

"Aww, Jonesy, I'm happy for you. Second date?" Beth asks

"Apparently I passed, so it looks like it" I smile

"Ellie" Viv says

"Viv, sorry, I don't want to interrupt but before you say anything, can I just say something for 1 minute?" I ask

Viv nods

"I know I fucked up, I know I did. And I know that nothing may happen with Leah and I, if that's what she wants, I've told Leah there is no pressure and if she just wants to be friends than that's fine. I don't know what will happen but I wont fuck up again like i did with Lilly, I promise, I've not spoken to Lilly since I left her house that day. I've not so much as looked at anybody else. And that isn't just because of Leah, even if nothing happens with Leah and I, there is one good thing that has come out of this and that's that I know I need to change and I am trying to do that, I want to do that" I really didn't want to interrupt Viv but I needed to get all that off my chest.

Beth looks at Viv waiting for a response, I'm anxiously looking between the road ahead and the mirror to see Viv who is sat in the back.

A smile appears on Vivs face "That's all I needed to hear"

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