Chapter 50 - Game Day (Part 1)

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A.N: Chapter 50!! Whaaaatttt 🤯 Thanks for sticking around 🫶🏻

Leah's P.O.V

It's actually gone pretty quick so far today, we had a pool session this morning, had some lunch and then had a final video tactical session this afternoon. We are now heading to Prenton Park, its only a short coach ride from the hotel. It will be a late night as we are heading straight back home after the game. As expected Ellie and I haven't spoken all day, to be fair though, we haven't really had the chance anyway, even if we had wanted too.

We arrive at the ground and head into the changing room. Everyone doing there own thing as normal before a game, music playing, some chilling, some chatting and some joking and dancing around. I'm always so focussed before a game but I know that I need to speak to Abbie.

"Beth, pitch walk?" I ask

"Yeah sure" Beth smiles at me as we both head out the changing rooms to go have a walk around the pitch.

I didn't really speak to Beth when I got back to the room last night after seeing Ellie, she knows I saw Ellie but she got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.

"She knows something Beth"

"Who? Ellie? How do you know?" Beth asks with a shocked face

"I don't know, and I don't know what she knows but she definitely knows something" I sigh

"I've not told her anything"

"I know you haven't" I smile at Beth reassuringly "It almost makes it worse as I don't know what she knows but I know I've not been able to talk to her about it properly"

"To be fair Leah, you've had weeks to tell her" Beth looks at me. She's right, I have.

"I know, your right"

I notice a few of the Liverpool players are also out on the pitch, having a walk around. I spot Abbie.

"I'm going to tell Abbie about Ellie" I say to Beth

"What? When?" Beths head snaps to me

"Now. She's over there" I point my head towards were Abbie is, I start to walk over to her. Beth grabs my arm to pull me back

"Is this a good idea mate? Right before a game?"

"I don't know Beth, but I need to tell her"

Beth lets go of me and nods. It's probably not a good idea but I need to tell her, I need her to know about Ellie.

"Abbie" I shout

Abbie looks up at me and a smile appears across her face, "Leah" she shouts as she starts jogging over to me, as soon as she is close enough she embraces me in for a hug. I feel a bit awkward.

"How are you?" Abbie asks

"Yeah, I'm good thanks, how are you?" I ask, wanting the small talk to be over as soon as possible.

We continue to chat for a little while, small talk mainly.

"Thanks for everything over the last couple of weeks Leah, it really means a lot"

"It's ok, that's what captains are for ay" I laugh

"I've really enjoyed talking to you again....I've missed you"

Uh. No.

"Abbie" I breathe out

"Leah, I'm sorry, it's inappropriate, especially as we will be at camp again together in a few days" Abbie says "Maybe we can catch up properly at camp, like old times ay?" She smirks.

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