Chapter 132 - Christmas Day/Boxing Day

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Ellies P.O.V

"Merry Christmas Beautiful" I whisper as Leah opens her eyes, gently stroking my fingers down her back

"Merry Christmas" She smiles, peering over to the cot "Why are we awake before Archie?" She laughs quietly, throwing her head back down on the pillow

I tut "Too excited knowing Santa has been obviously" I laugh, leaning forward to place a kiss on her lips, I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me as we hold each other for a few moments, "Do you want your present from me now?"

Leah shifts her head back to look at me "You got me a present?"

"Of course" I smile, loosening my grip from around her as I excitedly, but quietly, jump out of bed. I open the wardrobe and take the present I hid in my bag out, a present I actually bought a long time ago. Even before Leah and I separated.

"Close your eyes and open your hands"

Leah laughs, but is happy to oblige as she rests her back against the headboard waiting patiently. I quietly jump back into bed and place the drawstring bag in her hands


I watch as she opens the bag, pulls out the box and opens it carefully

"It's beautiful" she whispers as she takes a closer look at the necklace that sits elegantly in the box "Ellie..." she breathes out once she took a closer look at the interlocking pendants, spotting the engraved marks that display the initials AWJ and LW "I love it" she whispers, the tears clear in her eyes "Thank you" she smiles as she wraps her arms around me, a series of continuous kisses planted on my lips

"You're welcome. Do you like it?" I smile as I gently lift the necklace out of the box

"I love it"

"Turn around"

Leah turns her body, gently sweeping her hair out of the way, allowing me to put the necklace on for her, her hand reaching down to hold the pendants as she turns back around to face me.

"I love you"

"And I love you"

"I thought you wasn't getting me a present?"

"I actually bought it ages ago, before we...separated"

"You did?"

"I did"

"Would you have still given me it if we weren't back together?" Leah laughs lightly

"No" I laugh "Kidding, course"

"Sooo" I jokingly rest my back on the headboard, hold my hands out and close my eyes, I hear Leah laugh but I do feel her get out of bed, fumble around the room, get back in bed and place something in my hands

"Open" she whispers, linking her arm with mine and resting her head on my shoulder, I open my arms and see a book placed in my hands. A photo book. I open the book, a lump already building in my throat as I start to flick through the pages, the book is filled with photos of Leah and I, time with friends, time with family, holidays, all throughout the years and of course Archie.

"Thank you" I whisper as I continue to turn the pages. Honestly, its the most thoughtful gift I've ever received "I love it" Our lips meet as Leah lifts her head to look at me.

"Well, what do you get the most expensive women's footballer in the world" She laughs

"I think that ships sailed don't you, I'm crocked now"


"Ey, I can say can't"

We spent the rest of the time before Archie woke up going through the photos, reminiscing and laughing at some of the silly photos, going through all our memories over the years. It's pretty crazy to look back through them all, but I wouldn't change any of it.

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