Chapter 116 - It's Bad News

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Leah's P.O.V

"Ok, err...yeah that's fine" I hear Ellie outside on the phone, I walk over to her and snake my arms around her from behind "Thanks Tom, I'll see you soon"

"Tom?" I say quietly as I place a gentle kiss on Ellies neck "Peeping Tom?" a small laugh escapes Ellies mouth as she spins around to face me

"Don't" she face palms herself, before I notice her facial expression turn to one of worry

"What's wrong?"

"Do you'll be alright if I ask Mum and Dad to come back to ours to look after Archie?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I spoke to Tom about my ankle. He's got me an appointment at the hospital for this afternoon. I thought could..actually it doesn't matter, I can get Tom to pick me up" Ellie reaches back for her phone, but I stop her by placing my hand on her arm

"I'll come with you"


"Of course, silly"

Ellie and I wrap our arms around each other, holding each other for a few moments. It must be bad. The fact she has called Tom about it, I don't think it was just the trip over Bella either, it's bothered her more than normal whilst we have been here, even though she has tried to hide it majority of the time. 


Ellies P.O.V

"Ellie, it's bad news I'm afraid. There are two things we need to worry about"


"Firstly, the good news is the plates and screws we put in are holding the bone together. But we think there may be more nerve damage in the ankle, which is causing more pain than normal when you flex your foot, we'd like to open it back up to see it properly and repair it, if we can"

"And the second worry?"

"It's likely you have also got what's called Acute Compartment Syndrome"

"What's that?" I feel Leah's hand grip my hand tightly as they both rest on my leg, which is bopping up and down, my right one, my good one.

"Ok, so, although your ankle is causing you pain whilst it heals. It's actually the muscles and nerves in your leg that is causing you the most pain, and why rehab has been so painful for you. Basically it's caused by extra pressure which has built up inside the compartment which is now squeezing against your muscles and nerves, which is what is causing the most pain and constant swelling"

"What happens now?"

"We need to operate Ellie"

My heart drops to the very bottom of my stomach.

"If the pressure gets too high, it can stop blood, oxygen and nutrients to the tissue which can lead to permanent damage"

My mind goes blank. Numb. I feel like we are back to square fucking one.

"If that happens Ellie, the likelihood is..."

"I'd never play again..." I whisper

"Yes. But the good news is, we've found it early enough and I'm confident if we operate we can fix it. It's not a major operation, we will make an incision through the skin to relieve the pressure in the affected muscle compartment"

Ok, think straight Ellie.

"Do I need to be put to sleep?"

"Yes, only because we want to also have a look at the nerve damage, but we can do both at the same time"

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