Chapter 80 - Game Day

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I've been back in first team training for two weeks now, we have played two games since but I wasn't ready to get any minutes but tomorrow we are playing Leeds at home in the cup and Jonas told me earlier in the week that he will be looking for me to get some minutes to start building up some match fitness and I couldn't be happier.

You haven't missed much in terms of Leah and I, we have spoken a bit at training but not to much outside of training, I told her that my main focus right now had to be to get back on the pitch. I still don't really know what to think of the whole situation if I'm honest. I miss her, Of course I do. One minute I just want to forget about the whole thing and just go back to how we were but the next minute I think about how much she actually hurt me and whether i want to ever be put in that situation ever again, and the only way i can guarantee that is by not getting back together. I just don't know.

I have made up with Beth though, to be honest I was sick of the million apologies she was given me daily so it was easier to just eventually accept her apologies and put it behind us. I was kind of ok with Leah so it was only fair that i also made up with Beth, although it was much easier for Beth and I to just get back to normal, something I've not been able to do with Leah so easily.

My sister, Jodie, her partner, Rob and Henry and Ava have travelled down to watch the game tomorrow so I'm spending the afternoon with them as they are travelling back home after the game. I'm looking forward to spending time with them, plus it will help me take my mind off the game tomorrow. I'm excited, but I'm nervous too. I've worked so hard over this last month to get back training with the first team. I need to just kick on for Arsenal now, I need to repay the faith back that the club, my team and the fans have shown me since I arrived here, and I'm hoping tomorrow is going to be the start of it.

I decide to put a post of me on socials, a picture of me in the last training session before the game

Caption: It's been a while but...match day -1 ⚽️⏳ Let's goooo ❤️🤍

The comments come flooding in, mainly from fans, who seem to be excited for my return which makes me smile. A few from the girls too and then I see this one

Leahwilliamsonn: The world isn't going to be ready for your return 🌎🔥

Uh. My heart skipping a beat.


It's half time, and we are 3-0 up.

"Girls, great half. I'm going to make some changes. Williamson, Little, Gio and Foord are coming off. Wubben-Moy, Maanum, Jones and Blackstenius on. Ok? I want the same intensity as the first half please, I want you to play like its 0-0" Jonas says

I stand up from my cubby and prepare myself for going on

"You ready mate?" Jen asks as she puts her arm around me

"Ready as i'll ever be" I smile

"You'll be fine"

"Ellie" I hear Jonas shout as he starts walking over to me "No pressure today, I just want you to play, take it steady, its about building that match fitness up, ok?"

"Yes boss"

"And if you feel any symptoms you are to tell us straight away"

"I will"

"Ready?" He smiles

"Ready" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me

Fuck. Why am I so nervous.

"Let's go girls" Jonas shouts as he claps his hands together, as we all start making our way out of the changing rooms

I feel someone tug at my arm "Breathe" Leah smiles as I turn around

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