Chapter 39 - Breakfast

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I woke early the next morning, I was giddy. I could not stop thinking about the kiss with Leah. God, it was hot. She was hot. Sexy. I was dancing around the kitchen whilst cleaning up before I was rudely interrupted.

"Your up early" I hear Beth groan as she takes a seat at the kitchen table, placing her head in her hands

"Ooo mate you look rough" I laugh

"I feel it" she mumbles

"Not fancy a dance then?" I smirk


"How about a drink? Hare of the dog?"

"Absolutely not"

I laugh, acting all smug that I actually feel perfectly fine and she is suffering with the worst hangover.

"Why are you so giddy anyway?" She asks

I can't hide my smile. Beth raises an eyebrow at me

"Let me guess....Leah"

"Aw mate. We erm...we kissed" I can't hide it from her

"You did what?" Beth would normally have been shouting by now, but her raging hangover wont allow that

"I know. It just happened"

"Are you sure about this?"

"Look, I don't know what's going to happen, she might regret it this morning and if she does than I'll have to accept it but I hope she doesn't"

"Mate, if I wasn't this hungover I'd be giving you what for now but all I'm going to say right now is, its down to you to put the work in AND...."

"And?" I say

"If you hurt her, I'll break your fucking neck" she says, very seriously

I hold my arms up and back away "I know mate, I know"


I've not text Leah yet, I don't want to seem too keen or pester her. Fuck. I don't even know what I'm doing, not to float my own boat but I've never really had to put too much effort in with girls. But this is different, Leah is different and I know that's its up to me to put effort in. Fuck it.


Leah's P.O.V

Last night was great, not only the party but the kiss with Ellie. Wow. I'm not sure if it was the right decision but my god it was worth it. We have both clearly missed each other and the chemistry and tension was right there, exactly how it was before.

Lia and I are both laid in my bed, chatting away, backs resting against the headboard. I don't actually feel too hungover, to say the amount of alcohol I consumed last night.

Ping Ping

I pick up my phone from the side table

New message from Ellie

I instantly smile and feel butterflies in my stomach

"Let me guess" Lia looks at me

I smile, shyly

"The one and only Miss Ellie Jones" Lia announces in a funny voice, we both start laughing

"Shutup" I playfully smack Lias arm

Ellie: Good morning beautiful 😍 I hope your head isn't feeling too bad this morning x

Cute. I can't help but smile as I type my reply, try to play it cool Leah.

Leah: Good morning, it actually isn't I feel ok, how is yours? X

Ellie: Gooood, mines fine too. Beth on the other hand, she's a walking Zombie 🤮

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