Chapter 30 - The Talk (Round 1 - Part 2)

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Leah's P.O.V

"You ready?" I ask Ellie

"Yep, I could have actually just poured my heart to you and you might not even like me, that's a bit embarrassing isn't it" Ellie laughs taking a sip of her tea

"Don't be stupid, I think we both know the answer to that" I laugh back.

"Go on then, tell me how ridiculously good looking I am and how I am the best person ever, boost my ego a bit" Ellie says, still laughing

"Trust me, your ego does not need boosting" I smirk back "Right, let me speak"

"Yes, boss" Ellie salutes, I roll my eyes.

"Ok, so, I wont go over it all again, but everything you just said to me, I want you to know I felt it too, I felt all those moments. The minute you arrived at Arsenal, I felt drawn to you. I must admit, I held back at first, I knew about your 'reputation' and Beth told me about your rule of never catching feelings"

"Well that rules fucked now isn't it" Ellie rolls her eyes

"I couldn't help it though, that night when I slept over and we shared the bed together because of the silly cuddling rule you all have...actually, can I confirm is that actually a rule or was you all winding me up?"

"I can actually confirm, it is most definitely a rule, and one that will not be broken" Ellie smiles

"Well, I knew from that night, I knew I had started to catch feelings for you, when we cuddled and you stroked my stomach"

Ellie looks at me with a confused look "Really?"

I nod "Yeah, but I knew you didn't think or feel the same"

"To be honest, your probably right"

"I know, but that's ok. Anyway, I was stressing about it all and after the night we nearly kissed, I knew I started to like you, but I was stressing about your past and that you would never feel the same, so I spoke to Keira"

Ellie chokes on her tea "You spoke to Keira? About me?"

I all of a sudden feel nervous, is she pissed off? "Yeah" I whisper

Ellis smiles. Phew. "She hasn't mentioned it to me, the little shit bag"

"Anyway, I was just trying to fish for information to be honest, but she could tell I liked you and got it out of me. She told me I needed to just chill and forget about your past and just see you for how you are with me" I continued.

"Did she warn you off? Is she going to be pissed with me?" Ellie raises her eyebrow

"No, she didn't actually, quite the opposite"

"Oooo, what did she say?"

"Now, that would be telling" I smirk

Ellie tuts.

"I did ask her one thing though..." I say, feeling slightly nervous

"Go on"

"I asked her what happened between you and a previous team mate"

Ellie just stares at me, no facial expression.

"What did she say?" She blurts out

"Nothing" I whisper. Ellie seems to sigh in relief.

"I don't want to talk about that Leah, I'm sorry, I know I said I would be honest, but I just don't want to talk about that. It's in the past now"

"It's fine, you don't need to tell me" I smile. Ellie nods and smiles in return.

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