Chapter 113 - What Will Be, Will Be

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Leah's P.O.V

I finally settle on one of the chairs in Ellies hospital room, still patiently, or impatiently, waiting for any news. Ellie has been gone almost 6 hours now and we still haven't heard anything. Luckily, I've managed to stay out of my own thoughts a little, as one of the medics from Arsenal has also stayed at the hospital, as obviously they need to report back to the club, although his company hasn't totally stopped my worried thoughts. I phoned Mum earlier, quite a few times, to check in on Archie but also just to hear a comforting voice. I've not called her for a couple of hours though as it's now early hours in the morning and I know Archie will be waking Mum up soon for his night feed so I don't want to wake her, I'm comforted in the fact I know Archie is safe. It's clear both Tom, the medic, and I are exhausted as neither of us have spoken for a little while, both sat in our own thoughts. Suddenly the door opens softly, but it prompts me to stand to my feet immediately

"Evening...or Morning" The doctor smiles, I reply with just a polite smile "Ellie is out of surgery now. It took a little longer as unfortunately she does have nerve damage"

I look at Tom, who now looks even more concerned "How much damage?"

"Significant" My heart sinks. "But, we have managed to repair what we can. The rest is down to rehab and physio...and luck. Or fate"

"Will she ever play again?" I whisper, the tears rolling down my face, I don't even know how I've still got tears left to cry

"Well, the good news is we have fixed the fracture. We have put two plates in with screws and a little wire..."


"It's difficult to say I'm afraid. Nobody will know until she starts to rehabilitate. The next two weeks though are crucial. We can't put a cast on because of the swelling, she will be given a cam boot which she must wear when her foot is not elevated. No weight bearing whatsoever, so she will be on crutches. BUT...she needs to rest. Her foot must be elevated as much as possible for at least the first two weeks. There is no rehab, physio, nothing which can be done for at least 2 weeks. Rest and elevation...that's it"

Tom had been subtly trying to tell me though the night whilst Ellie was in surgery how tough this journey may be, with a potential outcome that Ellies football journey will be over. But I can't let those thoughts creep into my head, I know they will creep into Ellies, and I need to make sure I remain positive. I've been here. Different injury, but similar circumstances. The unknown is so difficult to deal with, but throughout my ACL journey, Ellie was nothing but a positive influence on me and I need to do the same for Ellie. Im under no illusion how difficult this is going to be though, a newborn, my supposed return to training in a couple of days time and now Ellies injury. At least there is one thing we don't have to worry about though...Ellie signed the contract renewal. Literally a few days ago. And thank god. I know Arsenal is a family club, but ultimately it's a business and I'm relieved that neither of us have to deal with the potential turmoil of Arsenal pulling the renewal and letting her contract expire, all whilst trying to come back from this. At least I know she will have Arsenals backing behind her rehab and wanting her to return.


"Hellloooo pretty lady" The smile on my face grows, for the first time all night, as Ellie is wheeled into the room, clearly still under the influence of anaesthesia

"Pretty lady?" I laugh lightly

"That you are" Ellie says confidently

I wait for them to position Ellies bed, a gentle smile and a nod from the nurse as she leaves the room. I reach up and kiss Ellies forehead

"Errrr..." Ellie says just as I go to sit back down next to her


Ellie puckers her lips which makes me laugh. I stand back up and place my lips onto hers

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