Chapter 75 - Christmas

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Leah's P.O.V

It is Christmas morning, I'm still tucked up in bed as its still pretty early. Ellie left to go back home a couple of days ago. I stayed at my Mums last night and will be staying until the day after Boxing Day, when Ellie comes back and then I'm going on a mini break with Mum and Alex the day after until New Years Day. I miss Ellie so much, more than I thought I would. Ok, that's a lie. I knew I would miss her but maybe not this much.

The family all went on our traditional annual Christmas Eve walk yesterday and I couldn't help but wish Ellie was there with us. But its still only relatively early with Ellie and I and maybe next year will be different. I'm also quite annoyed at myself that I got too drunk on the team night out, I wanted Ellie so bad but I should have known, there was no way Ellie was ever going to sleep with me whilst I was that drunk and she was sober. If we had both been drunk, well...different story. Despite all my best attempts with Ellie that night, she was having none of it. I was also far too hungover the following morning, although Ellie didn't seem to mind, I annoyed myself how hungover I was as I was like a walking zombie all day, so it wasn't the best goodbye. Tomorrow we have a family party at Mums house for Boxing Day, I've promised myself I will not drink too much so I'm not hungover the next day for when Ellie comes back as we will literally only have an afternoon and one night together before I have to go the airport the following morning.

I reach over for my phone as it starts ringing

"Merry Christmas" I smile as Ellie appears on the screen

"Feliz navidad" Ellie smiles

"I actually know what that means"

"Because of the song" we both start laughing.

"You look cozy" Ellie smiles

"Mmm...I wish you was here with me" I smile

Ellies smile turning to a smirk

I tut and roll my eyes "Not for that" I smirk "What time did the kids get you up?"

"4:30 Henry came in my room. Little shit. I know early bird catches the worm and all that but fuck me even that's too early for me"

I start laughing

"Do you know the worse thing as well? He actually went into my sisters room first and she told him to go into Auntie Ellies room" Ellie puts on a silly voice

"Aww don't be a scrooge" I laugh

"Then I had to keep him entertained as there was no fucking way he was going back to sleep"

"I bet there faces were cute though when they went downstairs"

"Yeah, they was to be fair" Ellie finally smiles

"Ooo finally, a smile" I smirk

"Shut up" Ellie rolls her eyes

"Plans for today?" I ask

"Err...Auntie Ellie can you play with this?...Auntie Ellie can you play with that?...Auntie Ellie can you build this?...that will be my day" Ellie laughs

"You love it!"

"Hmm...I love you" Ellie smirks

"Ooo smooth"

" forgetting something"

"I love you too" I smile

"What's your plans for today?"

", be merry and be happy. I wish you was here though"

"I know. Two more sleeps"


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