Chapter 131 - Christmas Eve

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Ellies P.O.V

I woke up super early this morning, even before Archie, so I decided to get up and go for a steady run, clear my mind a little from yesterday. Has it effected me? Yes, of course it has but I can deal with it a whole lot better in my mind than I could 6 months ago. I know I can't just completely forget about it, but right now I want to just enjoy Archies first Christmas, with Leah and surrounded by our families. Chloe is the least of my fucking worries right now and as far as I'm concerned she can crawl back under the rock she came from and stay there. 


"Jesus, I thought you was a burglar!" Amanda whisper shouts as I walk through the bi-folding doors, Amanda stood in her dressing gown holding a wooden spoon in one hand, her initial panic disappearing once she saw it was me

"I don't think that would do much damage" I laugh "Sorry. What are you doing up at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep, cuppa?"

"Please. Are you just too excited for the big man coming tonight?"

"If only!" Amanda laughs

My mouth wide open in shock "Amanda!...I obviously meant Father Christmas"

Amanda continues to laugh at her own joke, meanwhile I'm still in shock.

"Is Archie not awake?" Amanda asks as she makes us a brew

I take a seat at the kitchen island "He wasn't when I woke up. I assume he's still asleep"

"Bless him, it was a long exciting day for him yesterday"

"Thanks" I smile as Amanda places the cuppa in front of me and takes a seat opposite me

"How are you feeling darling?"

I puff out my cheeks "Is what it is"

"I know. I just want you to know we are all here for you, if you need anything"

"I know" I smile "Thanks. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Can you make sure Leah is alright? She isn't going to tell me if she's not"

"Of course, but you need to make sure you both talk to each other"

"I know and I will, I know she's pissed about it, but I really just want to forget about it whilst we are here"

"I know and we will, but don't put it to the back of your mind and leave it there" Amanda smiles, I know what she's getting at, the same thoughts I had to myself on my run

"I won't" I smile, both of us sitting in a comfortable silence whilst we drink our tea, the sun just about starting to rise "This time last year I was shitting myself" I laugh lightly

"I can't believe it has been a year"

"I know. What a fucking shit show it has been since then"

"Apart from that beautiful grandson of mine"

"Goes without saying" I smile, silence once again surrounding us for a few moments.

"The answers still yes by the way" Amanda says quietly, her words prompting me to freeze as I stare at her "If you and Leah both decide to still get married, you've still got my approval Ellie"

"Really? I broke a promise I made you"

"Not all of them"

"The most important one, I promised I'd never walk out on them both"

"You also promised you would always look after them. You would always love them and no matter what you would always protect them. You haven't broken any of those"

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