Chapter 107 - Aftermath

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Ellies P.O.V

I'm still trying to process all that happened with the article yesterday. There has been some pretty shit ones over the last few months, but yesterdays just hit different. It wasn't an article that just refers to the baby as Leah's, which is hurtful enough, but it was an article that insinuated i'm the type of person to walk away from my family, and even miss the birth of our baby, which couldn't be any further from the truth. Football has always been one of, if not the most important thing in my life, but that was until I met Leah. I know its all bullshit and that's what tabloids do, but it was still hurtful to read. This should be the happiest time in our lives, with only a few weeks left before our baby is due, I don't want this to over shadow it and I certainly don't want it to stress Leah out either, she's ready to pop for fuck sake. I have to keep it together. One last game before the winter break and then we can just shut out the world for a couple of weeks.

After seeing the story Leah posted on Instagram and despite Laura telling us both to stay off social media, I couldn't help myself but to see what people have been saying, I mean it was a bit like telling someone not to touch wet paint...everyone still does. Although, this time I wish I didn't look.

Leah's P.O.V

"Morning" I whisper, as I lean against the kitchen doorframe, Ellie sat at the kitchen island on her phone

"Buen Dia" Ellie manages a slight smile, I slowly walk over to Ellie and slide my hands around her as I stand behind, she locks her phone and puts it down

"How long have you been up?" I ask, as Ellie spins around and wraps her arms around me

"Not long, did you sleep ok?"

"Hmmm...not too bad"

"And how did you sleep" Ellie places a kiss on my bump "Little smudge in there"

It still makes my heart melt whenever Ellie talks to the baby bump, I actually think I'll miss it.

"Are you ready to meet us yet?...On second thoughts, stay in there for a little bit, it's a fucking shit storm out here" Ellie laughs lightly

"Language" I smirk

A small smile appearing on Ellies face before she puffs her cheeks as she sighs

"You've looked haven't you?" I ask




"Ellie" I cock my head to the side, my hands resting on her shoulders

Ellie groans as she gently rests her head against my chest

"Let me see"

"No, it's bad" Ellie mumbles

"Hey" I gently lift her head as I cup her cheek "We're doing this together"

Ellie slowly spins back around and hands her phone to me

Get Ellie Jones OUT of my club now 😡

I stg if Ellie walks out on Leah I will personally hunt her down 💀

And we all thought Leah could tame Ellie...apparently not 🤔

I don't believe it. Why would Leah post that picture if it was true?

Fuck off back to Barcelona 👋, we don't want you anymore

If Ellie goes to NWSL, she better RUN 🏃‍♀️...quick

Nooooo Leah and Ellie are end game 💔

How can someone walk out on a baby 😤

No way would Leah post that picture if any of this was true

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