Chapter 67 - When the time is right

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Leah's P.O.V

Today is 1 week on from when this whole nightmare started but slowly I seem to be getting Ellie back. It is also the day mum is returning back home too, she is going to come by the hospital to see us both and then she will be heading back home.

"Morning" I smile as I walk out the bathroom after taking a shower.

"Hmm..Morning" Ellie smirks

I roll my eyes "I know what your thinking" I start to blush.

"Don't get shy on me now" Ellie winks.

She's not been awake long but I can already tell this is probably going to be her best day so far. She slept well, and so did I.

"Shut up" I laugh

"You look beautiful" She smiles

"So do you"

"Are you kidding me? Look at the state of me" Ellie rolls her eyes "if this isn't enough to put you off then I don't know what is"

"Hmm...actually your right" I say playfully

"Tut, dick head" Ellie laughs

I pull a stupid smile.

"Morning girls" My mum peers her head through the door

"Morning Mum"

"Morning Amanda"

"How are you doing?" Mum smiles at Ellie

"I was doing fine until your daughter started insulting me" Ellie smirks

Mum tuts "Leah"

"Don't listen to her mum"

"Er...I'm the patient" Ellie says

"Don't we know it" I smirk

Ellie pulls a shocked face before there is a knock at the door and Doctor White enters.

"Good morning ladies"

Mum and I say hello to Doctor White

"It's a good job I'm a morning person" Ellie rolls her eyes before plastering a sarcastic smile on her face "Morning...before you ask...I'm fine" Ellie smiles

Doctor White smiles "Good"

"I've got a request" Ellie asks. Mum and I look at Ellie, no idea what she's about to say.

"Ok?" Doctor White says

"I want to pee...myself"

"Ok, I think we can arrange that" Doctor White smiles

"Fina-fucking-ly" Ellie exhales "And..."

"Demanding this morning" Doctor White laughs

"I want to get a shower. I want to walk there"

The smile that was on my face now turning to worry. 

"I need to get my arse out of this bed, the most I've managed is to that chair and its driving me mad"

"Any headaches? Sickness? Double vision?"


"Ok, I will get the nurses to come in shortly to assist. Any more demands Miss Jones?" Doctor White smirks

"I want to get changed into my own clothes. As much as this hospital gown is..." Ellie chef kisses "I want to put my own clothes on now"

We all let out a little laugh. She's definitely getting back to her normal self.

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