Chapter 110 - I Get To Love You

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Ellies P.O.V

It's difficult to put into words the last week, it all feels very surreal. Although it feels a little strange now we are back at home, it surprisingly also feels normal, like he's always been here. Our house definitely feels more like a home. I didn't think I could love Leah anymore than I already did, but watching her give birth to Archie, seeing her hold him for the first time and now seeing her with him at home, the love I have for her has just got deeper and deeper. Archie is also...perfect. I mean its a bit sleep, eat, shit, repeat but I suppose that's all babies do at first. Oh..and cry, he does that a lot too, especially at night. I'm not going to lie, I was anxious about how I would feel when he was born, there was never any doubt that I would care for him, no matter what, but everyone I spoke too said the love you feel for a child when they are born is instant. I never spoke to Leah about it, but I did wonder if I would feel that instant love or not. But I needn't have worried, the love I felt for him was instant. Archie may technically not be my DNA, but I am his legal parent and he is my son and nobody can ever take that away from me.

It's been a bit hectic since we got back home, Leah and I brought Archie home and since then we have had visitor after visitor, including my family who made the trip down after I originally fobbed them off, I now know Amanda called Lisa after speaking to Leah that day she went into labour, and to be honest I'm glad they did as seeing my Mum and Dads face when they met Archie was amazing, but seeing Henry and Ava meet him will always be a memory I will never forget. My 3 favourite little humans.

Majority of the girls from Arsenal have also met Archie now too, after they came to visit in small groups, all of them at once would have been very overwhelming, he definitely has an army of Aunties! I was actually due to go back to training the day after Archie was born but Arsenal allowed me to take the week off to spend it at home with Leah and Archie which has been amazing. I am due to go back this week through as we have our first game back after the winter break next weekend.

But before then, there is something very important I need to do and something I've had planned for a while...


Leah's P.O.V

"Are you sure your going to be alright?" I ask

"Yes, we will be fine wont we little legs" Ellie coos over Archie as he lay peacefully on her chest, a sight I don't think I will ever get bored of looking at

"I'll miss you both though" I sigh as I take a seat next to them and rest my head on Ellies shoulder

Ellie laughs lightly "You'll only be a couple of hours. You have barely left this house since we got home"

"Don't you want to come with us?"

Ellie looks at me "If you really want us to come with you, we will"

I do. But that's me been selfish. Mum invited just me out for lunch, saying it will be good to give Ellie and Archie some time alone together, and she's right. I'm going to get to spend a lot of time with Archie once Ellie goes back to training and she isn't.

"No, it's fine. I'll be fine. You'll be fine. Sorry"

Ellie gently places a kiss on the top of my head, I lift my head to face her, placing my lips onto hers. Small, soft, continuous kisses. I raise my hand to cup her cheek, deepening the kiss between us.

"Err..are you forgetting someone is here?" Ellie laughs as she slightly breaks our lips apart

"Hmm...maybe" I laugh, resting my head back on Ellies shoulder as I gaze at Archie, who is still fast asleep "I don't know how I got so lucky" I whisper

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