Chapter 111 - Award

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Ellies P.O.V

Wow. I've known for a long time that I wanted Leah to be my wife, I don't know why it took so long to ask her, or even for her to ask me. I knew I would always ask her at some point and when we found out we were having a baby, it made me realise that I didn't know what I was waiting for. I did, however, want to wait until the baby was born. I could've whisked Leah away somewhere and done something extravagant before Archie was born but I wanted it to just be us, all three of us. The love I have for Leah has never really been in doubt, not since the minute I realised I fell in love with her all those years ago, despite the rocky road we had at the beginning I never lost any love for her, it only grew and continues to grow. I know she's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Leah and I get into bed that night, after just managing to settle Archie. Leah admiring her ring as I gently place my hand on hers.

"Do you like it?" I ask

"I love it, you did good" Leah smiles as she gently places a soft kiss on my lips "Do you know what's funny?"

"Go on"

"I actually spoke to Mum about marrying you today"

"You did?"


"What did she say?" I laugh

"Why are you laughing?" Leah pulls a face

"What did your Mum say?"

"She wasn't actually that excited about it...maybe she doesn't want you as a daughter in law after all" Leah smirks

"Or maybe" I roll my body on top of Leah's "She didn't want to ruin the surprise"

"She knew?" Leah gasps

"Ssshhhh" I shoot my head over to Archies cot, both of us laying in silence hoping Leah hasn't just woken him, a sigh of relief from both of us as it stays silent

"Yes. Of course she knew" I whisper

Leah face palms herself "Makes sense why she was practically crying all day now"

"Leah, she's cried every time I've seen her since I asked her" I laugh lightly

"You asked her?"



"Christmas Day"

"Your sneaky" Leah places her lips on mine "What did you say to her?"

"I said Look Amanda, can I marry your daughter? And she said yeah sure, why not"

Leah tuts and rolls her eyes "Idiot"

"Your idiot" I smirk as I place my lips onto Leah's "Or your soon to be idiot wife"

"Mmm, I like the sound of that" Leah smiles, our lips meeting once again

"Wait" I break our lips apart


"You was talking to your Mum about marrying me today?"


"In general or...?"

"" Leah stutters "Maybe me asking you..."

"Fuck sake"

"What?" Leah looks at me shocked

"Could have saved myself a few quid if I'd have waited" I joke, earning another tut, another eye roll and a playful smack this time. But I distract her with another kiss.

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