Chapter 97 - Time Off

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Ellies P.O.V

The squad for the World Cup has now been publicly announced, I have been a little more open in my feelings towards it with Leah but I've still been holding back a little, I know she's doing her best to put on a brave face but I know deep down its hard for her, so I'm still trying to be cautious about it, but I do feel a bit better than what I did, especially now its out there. I'm dreading spending so much time away from Leah but at least I will have football to focus on, we just need to make the most of the next couple of weeks that we have together before I head off to camp. Leah and I have just landed in the Netherlands for the Champions League final between Barcelona and Wolfsburg, we have also brought Lia along with us too. Leah is still doing well in her recovery since the surgery, she should really be on crutches still but shes only brought the one, and is already barely using it, she won't be told though, despite me subtly trying to force her to use it, but she just keeps giving me the look.

We are just making our way to the stadium, the atmosphere buzzing already as thousands of fans gather waiting to enter. The atmosphere is already incredible, makes me wish I was involved as a player but it is actually pretty nice to experience it from the other side as a fan too, soak in all the excitement and atmosphere. Despite me trying to be a little incognito, it doesn't take long for some of the Barcelona fans to start recognising me as they ask for pictures.

Leah's P.O.V

I'm really looking forward to the next couple of weeks and I'm very ready for a much needed holiday. We are here in the Netherlands to watch the final and then we will be going over to Barcelona for a couple of days, heading back home and then on a flight out to Ibiza before Ellie goes off to camp. Although I've still got do a little rehab whilst I'm away, I'm thankful that I'm doing well and able to travel, I need some time away to relax and let my hair down and not think about my knee and recovery for a while. First things first though, we are here to support our girls in the final.

I forget sometimes that Ellie played for Barcelona for so long, as soon as she was spotted around the stadium by a couple of fans, that was it, the draw bridge was down as hoards of fans surrounded her. It's actually taken me a little by surprise, obviously she is a popular player back in England but I forget, or didn't realise, just how popular she was and still is with the Barcelona fans. I have no clue what any of them are saying as they chat away with Ellie in Spanish, Ellie happily chatting back with them as Lia and I wait. As I watch on, it does make me wonder if she ever misses it or regrets it, I mean I love Arsenal, its my club but Barcelona aren't the best team for no reason and it wasn't like she wasn't getting minutes, she was always a starter and won the league and Champions League with them.

"Do you think she misses it?" I mumble to Lia as I watch on, a beaming smile on Ellies face

"I mean she is definitely loved by them" Lia says "But she wanted to come back to England, she seems happy at Arsenal"


"Don't get in your head Leah" Lia raises an eyebrow at me

"I know" I smile, but there is still a lingering thought.

"Sorry" Ellie smiles as she finally peels away from the fans

"It's alright Miss Barcelona" I say with a cheeky smile, Ellie eye rolling in response as we make our way into the stadium.


Ellies P.O.V

Much to my delight, Barcelona are once again champions. I couldn't be happier for the team and the girls. I would have loved to have got to the final with Arsenal and won it again, but if it couldn't have been us to go on and win it then I would rather it be Barcelona.

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