Chapter 63 - Coming Around

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Leah's P.O.V

I don't think I slept a wink last night. I quietly look either side of me, both Georgia and Beth are still asleep. I carefully reach for my phone, 6am. I can't lay here any longer though, I carefully climb over Georgia to get out of bed.

"You ok?" I hear quietly. I look over, its Keira.

"Yeah" I smile "Sorry for waking you up"

"It's ok, I was awake. Did you manage to get some sleep?"

"A little. Did you?"

"A little" she smiles

"Im going to jump in the shower"

"Ok" Keira nods and smiles.

I quietly make my way to the bathroom and switch the shower on. I take a seat, and put my head in my hands as the tears quietly fall from my face. I don't actually know how to feel or what to think. I just feel numb.


I went down early, Keira came with me but we left the other girls in the room to get ready. I spot Serena, Max, Jack and a few of the other coaches gathered in the canteen, Keira and I make our way over. 

"Morning girls" Serena smiles at us

"Morning" I manage a small smile "Have you heard from the hospital?"

"Yes, come take a seat"

Keira and I sit down, I feel a pit in my stomach.

"She had a settled night" Serena smiles "The doctors are happy with her currently"

Instant relief. I look over at Keira and she gives me a small reassuring smile.

"I actually wanted to talk to you" Serena says

"When all the girls arrive I will be asking everyone what they would like to do about the game tomorrow"

Keira and I both look at each other

"The game is a friendly and I want us, as a group, as a team, to make the decision on whether the game should go ahead or not. I appreciate how upset everybody is about Ellie and how difficult it will be for everyone at the moment"

I don't really know what to say. To be honest I haven't even thought about the game since all this has happened.

"Whatever the team decides, I and all of us will stand by that decision. We want the team to decide"

I nod my head.

"Also, we have spoken with Ellies family and we will be releasing a statement. Once we know the decision about the game, we will release the statement with our decision and also about Ellie"

"What are you going to say?" Keira asks

"We wont be revealing all the circumstances around the incident, but we will tell them that Ellie is currently in hospital. Arsenal are also aware and will be releasing a similar statement"

"Are Ellies family flying over?" I ask

"Unfortunately, there not able to at the moment, but they are in touch directly with the hospital and we are also keeping in touch with them too"

My heart feels so sad that none of her family are able to come over. I know there will be a good reason why they can't though.

"Where is Abbie?" Keira asks quietly

"She is speaking with the police, she won't be returning to camp" Serena says

I don't say anything. Abbie is the last thing on my mind right now.

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