Chapter 61 - The Fallout

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Leah's P.O.V

I can't sleep. I reach over to my phone, its 2:30am. I glance over to Georgias bed, she is asleep. I desperately wanted to see Ellie, but she didn't want to see me, Lucy had taken her into her room. She is back in her own room now though, Beth text me to let me know. Fuck. Why did Abbie blurt it out like that? I didn't even mean it, I was just, I don't know. I can't even blame Abbie, it was me that said it. Fuck. The way Ellie pinned Abbie against the wall too, Abbie is definitely not going to keep that to herself. But I wont let Ellie lose her place on the team for this, what Abbie said was vile and I'm thankful Ellie did stick up for me. She didn't even think twice about it, even after Abbie told her i'd said she wasn't capable of loving anyone. Your wrong by the way. Her words keep running through my mind. My heart.

Leah: Are you awake?

I lay, impatiently staring at my phone. Online. I feel a pit in my stomach as my message turns to read.

Ellie: Yeah

Fuck. I don't actually know what to say. I wanted to speak to her. I wanted to reach out but I didn't expect her to actually reply. Fuck it.

Leah: I didn't mean it, I don't even remember the conversation. It was before camp, you got brought up into conversation and Abbie said it, I just agreed with her. I didn't know what to say. But I didn't mean it

Ellie reads my message.


Ellie is typing...


Ellie is typing...



Ellie is typing...

Ellie: Can you meet me outside?

Leah: Yeah, when?

Ellie: Im already outside, I'm around the side of reception

Leah: Ill be there in 5

Fuck. I glance back over at Georgia, she's still asleep. I quietly get out of bed, throw a hoodie, a coat and my trainers on and quietly leave the room.


I walk around the corner, I see her. She's leaning her arms against a barrier. My stomach is in knots.

"Hi" I whisper as I walk upto her. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't look at me.


"You had the opportunity to tell me Leah, when we spoke and laid everything out on the table" Ellie sighs, shes mad. I can tell. I don't blame her though.

"Abbie has done nothing but give me shit, trying to injure me at every opportunity she gets and I've kept my head. For you Leah, for you"

"I know" I say quietly

"I didn't want it to be awkward for you, your the captain of this team. But if you weren't involved in this, or if it was 2 other players, there is no way you would have stepped back and just watched this happen. But you have and I get why but fuck me Leah, how much do you want me to take?"

I grab Ellies arm "I know Ellie, your right. Your absolutely right"

"I'm not going to apologise for what happened either, what's she said about you was fucking disgusting. And I don't care if I get kicked out of camp either"

"Your not going to get kicked out"

Ellie looks at me for the first time, raising an eyebrow "Leah, I pinned her up against the wall. I did exactly what shes been wanting me to do since I got here. Im surprised I'm still even here, you can't tell me she hasn't gone running straight to Serena"

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