Chapter 64 - Slow Progress

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I see Ellie scrunch her face, wincing.

"Are you ok? Are you in pain?" I ask, starting to feel a bit panicky.

"Head" Ellie lifts her other arm up, placing a hand on her head.

"Yes babe, you banged your head"

I notice the nurse leaves the room, I am assuming shes going to get the doctor now Ellie is awake.

Ellie starts looking around the room, seeing all the girls.

"Alright mate" Lucy says as she takes a step forward

Ellie looks at her confused " I?"

"Your in the hospital mate, you..."

"Had an accident" Keira interrupts. Which was a good idea, we don't want to be telling her exactly what happened right now. Now is not the time.

"Ellie I'm Doctor White" The doctor enters the room and approaches her "How are you feeling?"

Ellie groans "Shit"

The doctor smiles.

"Ellie, do you know where you are?"

Ellie has a constant confused look on her face.


"Your at the hospital in Spain, you've had a little bang to your head. Do you remember why your in Span?"

"" She says

The doctor smiles and nods.

We all let out a sigh of relief, shes remembering. This has got to be a good sign.

"Im just going to try and get her to start talking more, ok? Don't be alarmed if she says anything confusing" The doctor says to us all.

We all nod. In silence.

"You play football do you?"


"Who do you play for?"


We all look at each other.

"No. Arsenal" Ellie says. Phew. Relief.

"And are you any good?"

"The best" she lets out a little laugh.

It makes my heart full. Hearing her laugh. I cant help but roll my eyes as I laugh a little though.

"Modest" I say

"Always" Ellie says quietly, a smile still on her face

"Do you remember what happened Ellie? Do you know why your in hospital?"


"Ok. Can you tell me anything you do remember, what's the last thing you remember?"

"errr...I...erm..I don't know"

"Thats ok, tell me something you do remember, anything"

A few minutes pass "Take your time" The doctor says

Ellie suddenly lets out a small laugh, all of us looking around at each other.

"Hmmm...Inappropriate" Ellie smirks

I tut and roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks blush. Everyone starts laughing. Typical Ellie.

"Your doing really well Ellie" The doctor says as he places a hand on her shoulder "Do you remember anything that is...appropriate?" The doctor smiles

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