Chapter 72 - Second Date (Part 2)

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Leah's P.O.V

"I love you Leah" Ellie says quietly


"Ellie, will you just sit still, your getting in my way" I say as I'm trying to get ready. I don't know what's up with her.

"Sorry" Ellie mutters as she takes a seat on the bed

I carry on getting ready for mine and Ellie date, I'm excited, but Ellie seems far from it. I'm not sure if she's maybe worried, I don't actually know where we are going but she may be worried about going out in public.

"Are you ok?" I ask, looking at her through the mirror

"Yep" She says as she stares back at me

"We don't have to go out?" I say quietly

"What? No, were going" She smiles but its a bit forced as she stands up from the bed, walking about. Picking things up and putting them down.

"Ellie are you ready?"

"Yeah why?"

"Can you go wait for me downstairs then? Please" I smile softly

"Err..yeah. Bye" Ellie rushes out the room.


"So do you trust me?" Ellie looks at me


She reaches to her pocket and pulls out a blindfold. What is going on. Ok, I'm excited. And I'm glad Ellie seems a little more at ease then she did earlier. I smile and nod to let Ellie know its fine. I hate surprises though.

We finally arrive to wherever it is Beth is driving us too as Ellie helps me out of the car. Honestly when blindfolded it's like all sense of co-ordination goes out the window and you forget how to actually use your legs. Arms waving everywhere trying to feel for whatever may be in front of you.

I hear Ellie jingle some keys as she unlocks a door. Eh? Where the hell are we?

"Can I take it off yet?" I ask

I feel Ellie in front of me "Not yet" she whispers as she kisses my neck which sends shivers down my spine. Ok so I know we are definitely not in public.

She finally lets me take off the blindfold, I open my eyes. It's my house. I'm at home. Eh? I am so confused right now. Ellie takes my hand and leads me towards the living room, asking me to open it.

As I open the door my heart literally melts at what I see. The room is covered in flowers and balloons, rose petals all over the floor. Which surrounds a table in the middle set for the both of us. Honestly, I'm speechless. I was expecting us to just be going out for dinner somewhere, but this, this means so much more.

Ellie guides me around each of the flowers, asking me to read the card she has written on each of them. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before. Nobody has ever made me feel like I do right now. I can't even describe it, my body is covered in goosebumps, my stomach filled with butterflies. She has literally thought of everything, the flowers which we jokingly spoke about in the hospital, the things she has written on the cards, the songs she is playing alongside them. Honestly, this girl.

And then we get to the last card, I pick it up slowly, taking it out the envelope.

It reads Te Amo....I can't help but stare at it. My eyes locked to the card. I can feel the tears building in my eyes as a tear rolls down my cheek. My heart is in my mouth as I lift my head to look at Ellie, our eyes instantly meet, like always, nothing else matters.

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