Chapter 117 - Silence Speaks Volumes

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Leah's P.O.V

Lisa: She's out of surgery love, the surgeon said it went well. She is still in recovery at the moment x

Relief washed over my body as I received the text from Lisa after I had spent the last few hours in bed tossing, turning and crying...lots of crying. Lisa had text me when they got to the hospital, telling me they had already taken Ellie down for surgery by the time they got there, which hurt my heart, I know Tom, the medic, will have been there but I doubt she would have shown her emotions or how scared she will have been to him about going under again. I can't help but feel a little angry, angry that she pushed me away and didn't want me there. I'm also angry at myself, for leaving in the first place. A couple of hours later, still not managing to get any sleep I receive another text

Lisa: She's back in the room, high as a kite! Won't shut up. She's asked about you and Archie, telling us how much she loves you both. Try and get some sleep love x

I find myself smiling down at my phone, thinking about Ellie high on anaesthesia after the first surgery. But a tear also streams down my cheek that she might wonder why I'm not there, if she doesn't remember telling me to go home.


"Morning bubs" Mum says softly as she walks into the living room

"Morning" I smile softly

"Did you manage to get any sleep?"

"Not really"

"Oh bubs" Mum sits beside me and wraps her arm around me as I rest my head on her shoulder. We are interrupted by my phone ringing, seeing its Ellie, Mum quickly takes over nappy changing duties.

"Hi" She says quietly


"Are you ok?"

"Mmhm... are you? How are you feeling?"

"Bit groggy but ok...I'm sorry Leah"

"It's ok"

"It's not, I'm sorry...I just...I just" I can hear Ellie starting to get upset through the phone "I just want to come home"

And that right there means all the options that were on the table last night are now no longer an option. If she wants to come home, she's coming home. I'll just have to make sure she does exactly what the surgeon asks of her, even if she gets annoyed and angry. It's going to be tough, but I know we can get through it, together.

"I want you to come home too. Archie misses his Mummy. I don't think I'm doing a good enough job of his morning routine" I laugh lightly, hoping to lighten the mood a little, but I can tell Ellie is crying, despite a small laugh escaping her mouth "Please don't cry. Do you want me to come to the hospital?"

"No, its alright. They are gong to discharge me later today. Mum and Dad will bring me back"

"I love you. Always"

"And I love you. Always...Please don't forget"



It wasn't until later that evening Ellie finally returned home, making her way into the living room on crutches, both of us immediately wrapping our arms around each other.

"I'm so sorry" she whispers

"It's fine, don't worry" I gently cup her cheeks and rub my thumbs under her eyes "You're home now"

After a few minutes of Ellie and I holding each other, Mum comes over and embraces Ellie in a hug. We put Ellie on the sofa, propping her leg up on stacked cushions. I get Archie and hand him over to Ellie, she cradles him as he lays on her chest, silence filling the room, Ellie takes a deep breath, before she places her arm over her eyes, my eyes instantly filling with tears as I know she is trying to hide hers. There is no way I can take Archie away from Ellie to help aid her recovery, it wouldn't help her, it would hinder her and I feel guilty for even considering it.

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