Chapter 12 - Sleepover

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Pre-season started a few weeks ago now, it was brutal. Jonas and the coaching staff absolutely flogged us, despite going through 6 pre-seasons in my career so far, they never got easier. In fact, as I got older, they just got harder. I was physically fit and always kept on top of my fitness regime, even during the off season, but it was still an absolute battering. As always though, we all loved it. I felt much more settled in the team and was starting to find my feet. I also didn't feel any extra pressure from within the team, even though there was still quite a lot of hype on social media with fans excited to not only see me play for Arsenal but to play in the WSL. Everyone was just seen as the same as each other at Arsenal which was very similar to Barcelona so I was glad of that. The talent in the team is unreal though, I obviously played with some proper ballers at Barca, but Arsenal have some unbelievable players. I couldn't wait for the season to start, get my debut out the way and stat playing for this team. But that was still a few weeks away yet.


It was Friday, we had just finished training and had the weekend off. Woohoo.

"Leah, do you fancy coming around tonight, few drinks, food, movie?" Beth asked as we were all walking back to the car.

"Sure, I've no plans this weekend so was just planning on a chilled one" Leah replied.

"It's my turn to pick" I piped up

"Pick what?" Viv came jogging over to catch us up

"The film, tonight, its my turn to pick. If I have to watch another one of your shit romantic films I'll be looking for my own apartment quicker than I thought"

"Aww, don't you like the romantic films?" Leah nudged me playfully

"There not all bad, but when your watching them with them two love birds cooing over each other, tears in there eyes, it gets a bit you know, sickening" I start mocking Beth and Viv

"We aren't that bad" Beth snorts.

I reply by rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, I'm off, got places to be, people to see before tonight" I announced to the girls with a smirk on my face.

"Oh aye, who you going to see?" Leah jumps in

"Please tell me you aren't" Beth looks at me with a silly face. Leah looks at Beth with a confused face.

"Ey everyone has there needs!" I laugh as I start to get in my car

"You've not even been back that long and your already coping off" Beth says

"See you all later!" I get in my car and drive off.

"Is she seeing someone?" Leah asks Beth

"Seeing? Your kidding aren't you. She doesn't do 'relationships' more...'situationships'. She hasn't told me much about her, she doesn't play football though. It's always a mutual thing between whoever Ellie is 'seeing', rule number 1: Neither can catch feelings"

"I bet that's hard" Leah just stares at Beth

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, never mind, got to go, I will see you tonight" Leah quickly jumps in her car and drives off.

Leah's P.O.V

I felt a pit in my stomach when it became apparent in that conversation that Ellie was going to see someone, and not on a 'friends vibe.' Jealous. Was I? I don't know. But I definitely felt something and it wasn't good. I knew about Ellies 'situationships' from conversations id either overheard or been involved with at camp, but it never went into too much detail in the conversations I was involved in, so I wasn't fully aware of Ellies relationship history. I never heard her talk about a girlfriend though. I've noticed that since Ellie joined Arsenal I have seemed more drawn to her, sometimes I can't help but stare at her. Especially when we are in the gym. My god, she looks hot in the gym. Luckily, she's never caught me staring at her at training, she is always so focused. Now I come to think of it, I was drawn to her whenever we have been at England camps too, but I'm only just realising that now we see each other practically every day. Fuck, what is going on.

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