Chapter 33 - Games Night (Part 2)

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Leah's P.O.V.

I've done everything possible since Ellie left to try keep myself busy. I went home, did some washing, cleaned up and luckily my Mum came around too. She knows all about Ellie, she's known since the start. I explained to her what happened before she left, I know that meant I had to tell her about the sex part, but I kind of skirted over that bit, we are pretty open as a family but even I don't really want to go into with my mum too much. I've packed some new things to take back, but I don't even know if it was worth it. After what happened with Ellie and I earlier, it couldn't have been worse timing. What if Ellie doesn't come back? If Lilly does tell her she likes her, which I know, deep down, she does, and then after what happened earlier, she might just fall back into Lilly, she did say before that they did seem to go back to each other. Uh, that makes my heart hurt. More than I thought. I check the time and its 6pm, I take a deep breath, time to head back to Ellies. A few of the girls are coming for games night, which I'm excited about, but I just want to see Ellie. She did say she would be back by 7, maybe she is already is back? I hope so. 

I arrive at Ellies and my stomach aches when I don't see Ellies car in the driveway, which means she must still be with Lilly. She hasn't actually even been gone that long, but it feels like she's been gone forever. Just breathe Leah, she will be back.

"Leah!" I walk in and Lia jumps at me, I love Lia. We embrace each other in a hug. Steph has also arrived, and of course, Calvin. 

"Calvin, hellooooo" I crouch down and give lots of puppy love to Calvin before I also give Steph a hug.

I greet Beth and Viv too. Both of them seem to hug me longer than the normal welcome hug, I think they can tell I'm nervous about Ellie. A few of the girls know that Ellie and I are a 'thing' or whatever we are, we haven't really had to discuss with them so they don't know the ins and outs fully, but they know Ellie and I like each other.

"Who else we waiting on?" I smile, eating some of the nibbles that have been put out.

"Erm, just Laura, she's on her way though. Everybody else had plans with it been short notice" Beth says

"Is Ellie coming?" Lia asks

Before I can see anything, Beth answers "Yeah, she will be here soon"

Laura arrived and we are all in the kitchen, chatting and eating, a couple of drinks too, we have a day off tomorrow. We have a match coming up in a few days but I'm still out injured for this one but should be back for the next one and obviously Ellie is out too. I keep looking at the clock. I'm trying to join in with the conversations but my mind just keeps wandering to Ellie. And the clock. I also can't seem to get the image of Ellie and Lilly dancing at the club out my mind either, and Lillys hands all over Ellie. I hope she hasn't been handsy with her today. I know it's only at the front of my mind because I know Ellie is with Lilly right now. The thought makes me feel sick.

"She'll be back" Beth whispers to me and smiles

I just smile and nod back. It's now 7:15.

"She did say it might be 7:30" Beth says

"I know" I whisper

I need to get my mind off it "Shall we just start?" I announce, everyone cheers and we all head into the living room.

We start off with battleships, the intention is always for games night to be fun and full of laughs, which it always is, but we are also very competitive with each other. We can't play or do anything with each other without been competitive, its in our bones.

There is only me and Lia left in the game, Lia only has 1 ship left.

"D3" I say

Lia sighs "Hit"

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