The New Volunteer (SS)

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In the local charity shop called 'Wizarding Help', none of the other volunteers want to work with Severus Snape, the shop's grumpy book and cauldron expert. That is until they get a new volunteer who is willing to give the man a chance.

This is not a request.

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 7/8/2023

Word count: 2.1k

It's a rainy day in London. There aren't many people outside on the streets because of the weather, and there are barely a soul inside the shops. The same can be said for the local charity shop in the Wizarding area, 'Wizarding Help'.

Usually there are a bunch of customers ready to find a bargain and help poor wizard families in need, but alas, not today. The volunteers in the shop are merely sitting down by a table behind the cash register, bored to death.

One of them sighs. "Perhaps the customers will show up soon..." he says, trying to sound optimistic.

The other person sighs as well. "That clearly won't happen, Albus. Not as long as it keeps raining" she states.

Albus chuckles. "Perhaps you are right, Minerva. Now, I've been thinking... What to do about Severus?" he questions, referring to the other volunteer who's currently isolating himself in the book area.

Minerva gives a concerned look. "Truly, I have no idea. None of the other volunteers want to work with him... He's too mean and rude according to them. They simply just don't understand him like we do... Oh, if only we could have someone who would be willing to give him a chance" she says in a sad tone.

Albus gives a sad smile. "Indeed, if only we could..." he agrees, looking deep in thought.

Just then, the door opens. A young woman enters the shop. Just as she does, Albus jumps out of his chair and almost flies towards the cash register. Minerva quietly chuckles to herself, clearly amused by his action.

"Hello and welcome to Wizarding Help. How may I help you?" Albus politely asks.

The woman smiles. "Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I was wondering if you need more volunteers?" she asks.

Just as she asks, it stops raining and the sun starts to shine. Albus' eyes sparkle. This must be a sign from Merlin!

"Why, yes, we do in fact need more volunteers! Is there a specific area you would like to work in?" Albus asks, giving her a choice of area. Though he hopes he will be able to pair her with a specific colleague in mind...

"Well, I would definitely like to work by the cash register. But I would also love to work in the book section since I love to read" Y/N explains.

At that, Albus' eyes sparkle even more. "Excellent! Then you will be working with Severus Snape, our book expert as well as cauldron expert. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Albus Dumbledore, the owner of the shop. And this is Minerva McGonagall, the manager" he says as he gestures to Minerva who's still sitting down.

The woman rises from her seat and bows. "Hello, Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you. We will be very happy to have you here" she says, smiling.

Y/N smiles back. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I can't wait to start. And I also can't wait to meet your book and cauldron expert" she tells them.

That makes the two elderly volunteers very happy to hear. Not only do none of the other volunteers want to work with Severus, but the man also doesn't have many friends. He also doesn't have a romantic partner, which Albus and Minerva would like to change. They really hope that Y/N will give him a chance and not run away screaming.

One Shots (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Valtor/Baltor, Negan, Zuko)Where stories live. Discover now