Chapter 65: Investigation (Part 2)

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Both fleets are present in the briefing hall. Right on schedule.

"Alright. Let's start."

Shioi, with the help of a step ladder, pinned the map of the Southern waters on the blackboard. I transferred the information we had on the larger map to it.

"I'm sure most of you are aware of the recent surge in Abyssal-Siren skirmishes. Earlier, we theorized that there could be a Siren base somewhere in this area, near the Sav Islands. The approximate coordinate around 8°58'43.3"S 159°36'42.0"E. So right now, we are going to test that theory. Shioi."

"Yup. An investigation fleet will recon the area and take pictures of any potential threats or Sites of Interest. Speed is of utmost importance for this operation. The fleet will comprise of Flagship Light Cruiser Ooyodo, Light Aircraft Carriers Shouhou ,Zuihou, Ryuujou and Ryuuhou, and Armoured Carrier Victorious. As this is essentially a recon operation, recon aircraft will take precedence over attack aircraft. The investigation fleet will be escorted by a fast Destroyer Squadron to assist and cover their escape in the event of a naval battle." (Shioi)

"Which is the last thing we want to happen."

"My first official assignment. This is exciting~" (Victorious)

"The Destroyer Squadron, comprising of Destroyers Yuudachi, Shiratsuyu, Shigure, Fubuki, Amatsukaze, and Shimakaze will ensure the safe return of both the Investigation fleet and yourselves. Yuudachi will be the flagship for this squadron." (Shioi)

"Ah. We are screwed then." (Amatsukaze)

"Hey! That's mean!" (Yuudachi)

"Do your best as our flagship~" (Shiratsuyu)

"I will do my best!" (Fubuki)

Shimakaze has long lost focus and is playing with Rensouhou-chan...

"In the event the Investigation fleet is spotted, your main priority is to scramble their ranks and create an opening for a speedy retreat." (Shioi)

"If it's speed you need, I'm the fastest!" (Shimakaze)

That got her attention.

"That's all from me. Admiral, would you like to add anything?"

"The usual. Come back alive."

"Roger!" (All)

"That's all. We will sortie in 30. Dismissed."

Both fleets left the briefing room and Shioi and I got to tidying up the place.

"Say, Admiral?" (Shioi)


"For this operation, why aren't you using us submarines? I'm sure we can achieve the same results without the need for an escort fleet." (Shioi)

Submarines are good but...

"That's true. With the stealthiness of a submarine, you might be able to avoid detection and confirm this theroy. Plus, you can use your Seirans to scout as well. If everything goes well, we would be able to find the answers we are looking for."

"Then..." (Shioi)

"The keywords here are 'If' and 'might'. We barely know the full capabilities of the Sirens. How is their AA defense? Are they good submarine hunters? We know the Mass-produced ones are akin to normal warships and can mostly be considered scrap metal, but what about the Executor class? Like you mentioned, speed is of utmost importance. Submarines are fast underwater but if you girls get detected, there is a risk that they can easily force you to surface or worst, take you guys out instantly."

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