Chapter 64 - Common Ground

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Unedited/Sorry for any mistakes❤️

March 8, 2000

Ginuwine / Mariah's Setting

"There you go Mariah! You are getting used to all of this stuff so fast!", Diane said as she showed Mariah how bathe the twins on her own.

It had been three days since Mariah and the twins had come home from the hospital. It also had been three days since Ginuwine and Mariah had spoken to each other since their argument about whether or not Janet should stay with them for the duration of her pregnancy with Ginuwine's child.

"Thanks Mama. I'm trying my best", Mariah smiled. It made her feel good that she was doing everything right.

Though it hadn't even been a week, Mariah had been quickly adjusting to motherhood. The argument with Ginuwine caused her to spend nearly every waking moment caring for their twins in an effort to get her mind off the whole situation. She wanted to make sure her babies never felt neglected under any circumstance.

"How are my babies doing?", Ginuwine grinned as he entered the room.

"They are doing well and loved their bath time!", Diane sung with a smile.

Mariah ignored him, wrapped a towel around Genesis, and headed toward the nursery to dress her.

Ginuwine quickly wrapped up Junior and followed down behind her.

He felt terrible about bringing up Mariah's childhood during their argument, but he knew there was truth to his statement and she just wasn't ready to hear it.

They dressed the babies in silence and laid them down to sleep.

"Mimi when are going to speak to me?", Ginuwine asked as Mariah left the nursery and headed to their bedroom.

She continued to ignore him as sat down on the bed and got ready to pump breast milk for the twins.

"I know you hear me talking to you", Ginuwine chided, this time standing directly in front of Mariah.

"Yeah and I don't give a damn about anything you have to say now leave me the hell alone. I'm busy", Mariah replied in a serious tone.

"What the hell is wrong with you. I'm trying to apologize and you're acting like this?", he shot back.

"Don't waste your time on an apology Ginuwine because you're just gonna throw my trauma in my face again. I confided in you about so much. The last thing I expected you to do was use it against me. You don't know how much that hurts me", Mariah said, trying not to cry.

"Mimi I-.."

"No! You listen to me. I will not tolerate you doing that anymore. I will leave this house with my babies if you ever mention anything about my trauma ever again damnit! I can't believe you! I am your wife Ginuwine. I just gave birth to your children and this is how I get treated?", she yelled at him with hot tears rolling down her cheeks.

"That's why I want to apologize Mimi. What I said was wrong. I realized that as soon as said what I said. I also know that Janet living in our house during her pregnancy isn't the best idea for your mental health and wellbeing. I love you and am thankful for the babies you've given me. I don't want us to be mad at each other anymore, especially at a time when we're supposed to be in pure bliss", Ginuwine pleaded with utmost sincerity.

Now that they were married, Ginuwine understood that there were certain boundaries between the two of them that should not be crossed.

Mariah stared at him, considering everything he had just said.

"I love you too.... so so much", she sighed. "But we can't keep doing this. We're parents now. The days of thinking about ourselves are over. We need to work this out because it could affect our children Ginuwine. I forgive you."

Hearing her say this made Ginuwine feel relieved.

"Thank you Mimi and I know. I just want to make sure you and all of my children are taken care of", he said grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it.

"Well in that case...I guess Janet can stay in the guest house but if she pulls anything crazy, then we're putting her ass out", Mariah compromised.

"Also she will have to give birth here and not at a hospital because I don't want any of this getting out to the public. Let's let her fans keep thinking she's on hiatus", she added as she sealed the bags of milk she just pumped.

"Oh babygirl thank you", Ginuwine said as he kissed Mariah on the forehead.

It felt like the weight of the world was lifted of his shoulders now that he could closely monitor his unborn child while tending to his newborn twins. It also felt good that him and Mariah were now on good terms.

"Of course baby. I just want us to be happy", she said before holding his face in her hands and giving him a deep kiss.

"Girl you better stop. There a still six weeks left for you to heal", Ginuwine said half jokingly.

All was well now that they had reached common ground.


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As always, see ya next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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