Chapter 38 - Just Do It (Part 2)

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Chapter dedicated to mariahsworld

August 16, 1999
San Francisco, California

Mariah's Setting

"Just do it. Shoot me so the world can see how horrible of a person you are. Show them the hell that you have been raising for the past 6 years", Mariah cried.


Tommy pulled the trigger and shot Mariah right in the middle of her chest at close range. The sound of the gun rang throughout the house and could be heard by most of the neighborhood.

She immediately fell backwards, falling off of the bed. Blood poured out of her wound like a faucet as her body went into shock. Not a sound came from her the entire time.

"Look what you made me do! I wouldn't have had to this if you would've stayed with me and became my wife again!", Tommy yelled as he got up and made his way over to her.

He stood and looked at her as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she became to violently shake from the rapid loss of blood.

"I did all I could to try to make you love me but I'm fed up! You go and get pregnant by another man and you think I'm supposed to be okay with that?!", he continued yelling at Mariah who was nearly on the brink of incapacitation.

Moments later, sirens could be heard in the background as police and ambulance pulled up to the house. Thankfully, one of the neighbors had called for help soon after hearing the gunshot.

"San Francisco Police Department! Open the door!", the police officers yelled as they pounded on the front door.

Tommy ignored and decided to sit and watch Mariah go in and out of conciousness.

Her breathing had started to become shallower and her skin had become sickly pale.

"I hate that it had to come to this but it's what had to be done", Tommy said as he reached and ran his fingers through her messy brown curls.

The police still continued to bang on the door but Tommy could care less. He was more interested in watching Mariah take her last breath.

Ten more minutes had passed and Mariah was surprisingly still clinging to life after losing so much blood.

"San Francisco Police Department!", officers yelled as they finally broke the door down the house and stormed inside.

When they finally made it to the bedroom they were horrified at what they saw.

"Get on the ground! Now!", a police officer yelled at Tommy as another officer tackled him. They handcuffed him and quickly walked him out of the room so they could deal with Mariah.

"We have an unconcious female who is pregnant and looks to be in her 20s, gunshot wound to the chest", another officer said into his walkie talkie.

"It's okay sweetie, help is coming. Stay with me", the officer said as he checked for a pulse.

A slight groan came from Mariah before she slipped back into unconsciousness.

EMTs soon raced into the room to assist her, carefully putting her limp body on a stretcher before quickly getting her to the ambulance vehicle for further care.

Paparazzi began to crowd around the front of the house, desperately trying to get pictures of Mariah who had been making national headlines due to her disappearance.

The EMTs got through the crowd the best they could and quickly got Mariah into the back of the ambulance before racing off to the hospital. They had to act fast if they wanted to save her.

Ginuwine's Setting
Malibu, California

Knock! Knock!

"Malibu Police Department!", an officer said as he knocked on Ginuwine's hotel room door.

It was now midnight and Ginuwine was just about to get settled in after a long day of searching for Mariah.

"Coming!", Ginuwine said as he frantically raced to the door, hoping that they had some news about Mariah.

He opened the door to see three police officers standing on the other side.

"Are you the fiance of Ms. Mariah Carey?", one of them asked.


"Well you need to come with us. You aren't being detained so don't worry. We just got news from the San Francisco Police Department and they have found Ms. Carey."

"Oh my God! Please tell me she's okay", Ginuwine said, worried out of his mind.

"We don't know all of the details at the moment but we need to get you to San Francisco right now", the officer said with urgency in his voice.

Ginuwine quickly slipped on a pair of his Nike's and went with the police officers. He would have to notify his assistant to clean out his hotel room at a later time.

"How far away is San Francisco from here?", Ginuwine asked the cops as they sped down the highway with the sirens blaring loudly.

"It's 6 hours away from here but we can have you there in 3 hours if we break all the traffic rules and do 90 mph the whole time", one cop said as he sped up the police car.

"Oh God. I pray that she's okay. She's the love of my life. I can't lose her", Ginuwine said as he put his head in his hands.

He would never be able to forgive himself if he lost her.


Bruh...why was "Underneath the Stars" playing in my head while I was writing this? It literally has no connection to the events in this chapter🤣🤣🤣


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