Chapter 55 - The Aftermath

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October 28, 1999

Ginuwine/Mariah's Setting

"What the hell went on in here?", Ginuwine asked as he walked into his apartment to see police everywhere, broken furniture, and things thrown around.

"G! I'm so glad you're here! You wouldn't believe what happened", Aaliyah said as she ran over to her big brother.

"What did happen? Where's Mariah? Is she okay?", he asked with much concern.

"Janet came over here tryna start drama saying that she's pregnant by you and showed us the ultrasound pictures and played a very disturbing tape. That's when Mariah literally leaped over the table started to beat the shit outta her. She was dragging her around by her hair and beating her at the same time. I tried to break it up but I couldn't so I called the police", Aaliyah literally said on one breath.

"Wow...", Ginuwine sighed as he began to rub his temples. He was tempted to just turn around and walk out the door because he knew if Mariah was pissed at Janet, then she would definitely try to kill him.

"I'll handle everything with the police. You need to go and and talk to Mariah because if you really are the father of Janet's baby, then there are some serious things that need to happen. Mariah's in the bedroom waiting on you and she's distraught right now so you better choose your words wisely", Aaliyah said.

"Okay", Ginuwine sighed and began to go upstairs to his bedroom where Mariah was.

He opened the door and she immediately ran towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me?!", she screamed as tears streamed from her eyes.

"Mariah I can-....", Ginuwine said but was interrupted when she slapped him hard in the face.

"I'm supposed to be the only one to have your children and you sit there and get that crazy bitch pregnant?!", Mariah yelled as she unplugged the lamp on the nightstand and threw it across the room at Ginuwine.

He ducked and it hit the wall behind him.

"Mariah she raped me!", he said in his defense.

"Raped you? How the hell did you let that happen?!", she said, being completely out of pocket.

"How the hell did you let Tommy rape you?! Huh?!", he shot back.

Mariah immediately got silent.

"Exactly. You're so mad that you don't even know who or what to be mad at. Now let me explain", Ginuwine said.

"It happened when you were out in California. I was supposed to catch a flight out there to look for you because I filed a missing persons report and the police did nothing about it so I took matters into my own hands. A few hours before the flight, I decided to lay down and get some rest because I was tired. Next thing I know, I'm getting slapped awake by Janet. She had tied me to the bed and I couldn't move. She had a knife and a gun and I think she originally wanted to kill me to get closer to you. She decided not to do that and climbed on top of me and forced me to have sex with her. I begged for her to get off of me but she wouldn't and I ended up cumming inside of her and that's how she got pregnant. So yes the baby is mine", he confessed.

"She has to get an abortion", Mariah said coldly.

"She's too far along in the pregnancy and that would be wrong Mariah. How would you feel if I told you to get an abortion when you got pregnant?"

"It's not about me. It's about why that bitch has your baby in her. That dick is supposed to be mine and mine only", Mariah said as she walked over and grabbed his crotch.

Well it's not like you're fucking me at all soo..., he thought to himself.

"Your pussy was supposed to be mine and mine only but you went fucked Janet. None of this would've happened if yo ass would've kept your legs closed and only opened them for me", Ginuwine said, making a valid point.

If Mariah hadn't slept with Janet, then none of them would be in this mess.

"That was in the past. I wasn't in a good mindset then", she said.

"I don't give a fuck! You're the one that caused all this shit to happen. I been trying to marry your ass for the longest time but you fuck up every time. I'm sick of your shit Mariah. If I did half of the shit that you've done to me, then you would've been left my ass! Janet's is keeping that baby and when it's born, imma get full custody so it can live with us and you better not say a damn thing about it!", Ginuwine yelled.

"I-...", Mariah muttered but was interrupted when Ginuwine started talking again.

"Nah I'm not finished! I think you forgot who the fuck is in charge here and if you can't get your fucking act together then I'm calling it quits. Imma be there for my kids if I'm with you or not!", Ginuwine said as he finally finished.

Mariah was silent as she looked down at her hands.

Tears continued to stream down her face as she looked up at Ginuwine.

"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't k-know you f-felt that way", she muttered.

"Hell yeah I do and I've been feeling this way for a while now. Cut out all that damn crying too because you have no reason to be crying right now. You put my babies in danger earlier when put your hands on Janet. All 3 of them! I understand that you're mad and upset but that wasn't necessary. Be an adult for once because you sure don't act like one!"

This only made Mariah cry even more. She looked and acted like a pathetic toddler who didn't get her way.

Ginuwine looked at her and shook his head.

"I'm finna go roll me a blunt. You should take that time to get your fucking act together and get into a new mindset", he mocked before walking out the room slamming the door behind him.

He immediately felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders. Everything that he'd been wanting to say to Mariah for the past year had finally come out. He was tired of Mariah's bullshit. It seemed like he was more invested in their relationship than her.

If he always met her halfway, then why couldn't she?


So what do you think?

Do you think Ginuwine was a little too harsh on Mariah?

What do you think should happen to Janet and Ginuwine's baby after it's born?

What do you want to happen next?

Until next time,


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