Chapter 54 - Oh You Didn't Know?

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October 28, 1999

Mariah's Setting

"Girl when are you and Ginuwine going to start setting up the nursery for those twins? Y'all literally have no excuse because y'all know their genders now", Aaliyah said as she laid down on the couch opposite from Mariah.

Today Mariah decided to relax at home with her favorite little sister, Aaliyah. Ginuwine wanted her to come with him to the video shoot of his new single 'So Anxious', but she said no because she didn't feel like looking at thirsty video vixens all on her man for hours on end.

"I don't even know. I asked Ginuwine the same question and he said 'Don't worry about it, I got it handled'", she mocked. "Besides...we kinda don't have the room for two babies in his apartment or my penthouse. We should be looking for houses right now."

"Mimi y'all better hurry up. The babies will be here in a few months. Y'all can use the old nursery if you don't find a house in time. It might be small but-"

"Absolutely not", Mariah interrupted. "We will not be using that room for anything. The door is currently bolted shut because me and Ginuwine can't take even going in there, too many bittersweet memories. I don't ever want to go in there again", Mariah sighed.

"Sorry Mimi. I didn't mean to bring it up", Aaliyah said, deeply regretting that she brought up the subject.

"It's just hurts you know. Isaiah was the first little human that Ginuwine and I created. He would've been a year old if he would've lived", Mariah said with pain in her voice.

"I know", Aaliyah said looking down at her hands.

Silence and awkwardness immediately filled the room and lasted minutes before it was interrupted by the doorbell being rung.

Ding Dong.

Ding Dong.

"I'll get it Mimi", Aaliyah said as she darted towards the door.

"Thank god because that would've been a struggle", Mariah chuckled as she rubbed her belly.

"Umm Mariah....", Aaliyah called out from the door.

"Who is it liyah?"

"It's Janet. Should I let her in?", she asked causing Janet to frown.

"Umm yeah sure", Mariah said, utterly confused as to why she was here.

Soon Aaliyah walked back into the room with Janet by her side.

"Hey. I thought you said you didn't wanna see or hear from me again so why are you here?", Mariah said to Janet with an attitude as she sat beside Aaliyah.

"First of all, you need to watch who you're talking to. You may be fine as hell but I can still pop you in the mouth", Janet shot back.

"Ummm first of all you WILL NOT be popping anybody. What's your problem?", Aaliyah interrupted.

"Stay in a child's place", Janet rolled her eyes and focused her attention back to Mariah.

"Don't talk to her like that! What the hell do you want from me? Why are you here?!", Mariah said, starting to get angry.

"Hmmm...I don't know. You should ask your fiance about that", Janet grinned.

"What does he have to do with anything?!", Mariah yelled. Now she was mad.

"Well....he has a lot to do with me because I'm pregnant with his child!", she shot back.

"You're a damn lie! Ginuwine would never cheat on me, especially with you", Mariah said instantly denying Janet's allegations.

"Hmm if that helps you sleep at night", Janet said, checking her manicured nails.

"Then prove it bitch!", Mariah said, getting up from the sofa.

"Oh you want me to prove it? Tuh..okay", Janet laughed as she opened the bag that she brought with her.

She first pulled out an ultrasound photo and gave it to Mariah.

"Im three months pregnant and the last time me and him had sex was 3 months ago", Janet said as she stood and unzipped her jacket, showing off her small baby bump.

"I'm still not convinced. This baby could be anybody's child but it's definitely NOT my fiance's", Mariah said, still in denial.

"She's tryna start drama and stress you out Mimi. She needs to leave", Aaliyah said.

"Didn't I say stay in a child's place? Okay, that's what I thought", Janet said to Aaliyah.

" know what I'm not even gonna entertain your bullshit", Aaliyah huffed.

"That's not Ginuwine's child. His children are inside of me not you", Mariah said arched eyebrows.

"Then explain this", Janet said pulling a cassette and tape recorder out of her bag.

She put the tape in and pressed play.

"Yesss Ginuwine you feel so good", Janet's voice said on the tape while Ginuwine yelled and screamed in the background.

"Get the fuck off me", he yelled as he rustled around.

The tape continued to play and Mariah was beginning to see red whole on the other side of the room, Aaliyah's eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

Janet basically told on herself that she raped Ginuwine and forced his child into her.

At this point Mariah stared directly at Janet, shaking with bloodshot eyes.

Before Janet could open her mouth to laugh, Mariah leaped over the table like a tiger and began to beat Janet with all her might.

"You fuck with my man?! Huh bitch?!", she screamed as she kept swinging.

"No Mariah! You're pregnant!", Aaliyah said as she tried to pull Mariah off of Janet but failed.

She kept on, knocking furniture down as she dragged Janet around the room by her red hair.

"You're not going to be pregnant anymore after I'm finished with your bitchass!", Mariah screamed with tears flowing down her face.

"That's it! I'm calling the police! I'm not going to let you sit there and kill her or hurt the babies!", Aaliyah said as she frantically pulled out her phone.

"Fuck this bitch!", Mariah screamed as she kept beating Janet who now had a busted eye and swollen lip.

Janet had messed with the wrong one and now she was paying for it.

To be continued.


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