Chapter 63 - Circumstance

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Merry Christmas! I missed you guys!

March 5, 2000

Ginuwine/Mariah's Setting

"Ginuwine slow this thing down", Mariah said nervously as she sat in the backseat of their new SUV with the twins.

After four days of being in the hospital due to a minor infection, she and the twins were finally released to go home.

"I'm driving as slow as possible Mariah", Ginuwine chuckled lightly as he turned into their gated neighborhood.

Once he got through the gate, he drove through another highly secured area before reaching their home.

"Alright we're here", Ginuwine said as he turned off the SUV.

"I can't believe we've brought home two babies", Mariah smiled as she gazed at the sleeping newborns in their car seats.

"I know right", Ginuwine grinned as he opened his door to help Mariah exit the backseat. "You go ahead in the house. I'll get everything. My mom should already be inside."

Ginuwine's mother Diane would be staying with Ginuwine and Mariah for a while to help them out with the twins. She knew how hard it was to care for one baby, so she could imagine them struggling with two.

"Okay but are you sure you don't need help? I could take one of the babies."

"I'm good Mimi. You go inside and start settling down", Ginuwine said as he took the twins' car seats out of the back of the SUV.

After all that Mariah went through, he didn't want her to lift a single finger.

The two newborns remained sound asleep in their car seats as Ginuwine cautiously carried them inside.

"Welcome home", he said quietly to the babies as he walked them into the house and upstairs to their nursery.

Mariah and his mother were already there and having a conversation when he walked in.

"That was fast babe. Was that everything that was in the SUV?", Mariah said to Ginuwine.

Diane immediately got up and took the car seats from him so that Mariah could feed the babies, who were starting to cry.

"No, I still have to go and get some more things. I'll be right back", Ginuwine said before exiting the nursery.

Mariah immediately got busy with breastfeeding the twins while Diane put things away and tidied up the room.

"Mariah I'm so glad that you and my grandbabies are home. I want you to get as much rest as possible. The only thing you'll need to do is feed those babies. I will handle everything else", Diane said.

"Thank you so much, Miss Diane. I do appreciate it", Mariah said exhausted.

Ginuwine brought the rest of the stuff in from the SUV and helped Diane put everything away.

When they were done, Diane left the room to let Ginuwine and Mariah have a moment with their babies.

"You look so beautiful right now Mimi", Ginuwine said as he observed Mariah looking down at their twins as they hastily suckled away at her breasts.

Even though she was visibly tired, she was glowing.

"I look a mess. My hair is all over the place and I need to shower", she replied, chuckling weakly.

"That doesn't matter Mimi. Your inner beauty, the way you're glowing and looking at our babies...You're so amazing", Ginuwine said, smiling.

"Well thank you, baby. This wouldn't have been possible without you", Mariah said, looking up at her husband.

"I know....Mariah, I know this isn't the time but we need to discuss something", Ginuwine said, a troubled look appearing on his face. 

"What is it?", Mariah said as she handed Junior over to him, so they both could burp the babies and lay them down to sleep.

"Well you know that Janet is going to receive her house arrest anklet soon and I thought it would be best to stay with us since she's pregnant with my child", Ginuwine said nervously.

"I don't want her anywhere near here Ginuwine and I don't want to talk about this anymore", Mariah said sternly.

The thought of Janet carrying her husband's child sickened her every time the issue was brought up.

"Mariah, I'm worried about the safety of my baby. She will move out once she gives birth and the child will stay with us. I also don't want any of this getting out to the public and the only way I can ensure that is if she stays with us in our highly secured home that I paid for to keep you and our babies safe", Ginuwine reasoned, ensuring that he kept an even temper.

He wanted nothing to do with Janet either, he just wanted to make sure that his unborn child was safe.

"I honestly don't care Ginuwine. I don't want her here. You never seem to take into consideration how I feel about this whole situation. I just gave birth and am trying to adjust to motherhood. I want a peaceful home and I damn sure know that there will be no peace if Janet's pregnant ass moves up in here with a baby that she isn't supposed to be carrying", Mariah said in an upset tone as she turned her back to Ginuwine as she laid their twins down in their bassinets.

"I understand where you're coming from Mariah, but you have to remember that the baby in Janet's womb didn't ask to be here. I want to make sure this baby feels wanted when it is born. Think about how horrible it felt when you were growing up and nobody wanted you" Ginuwine replied, immediately regretting having said the last part.

Mariah suddenly turned around with an incredulous look on her face. She had just been triggered.

"I know damn well you aren't throwing my childhood trauma back in my face! Get the fuck out!", Mariah yelled, which made their newborn twins begin to cry.

Diane heard the commotion and immediately made her way into the nursery.

"Is everything alright you two?" She announced as she came in and began tending to the babies.

"Yes, Miss Diane. We just had a small misunderstanding. I'm going to go lay down", Mariah said as she looked at Ginuwine, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

This was just the beginning of a very rocky road ahead.....

I hope you all enjoyed it and remember, there will always be a next time!


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