Chapter 21 - Catastrophe

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November 1, 1998

"Baby I didn't sleep with a man okay!", Mariah said finally mustering up the strength to yell.

"YOU SAID WHAT?!", he growled as he stormed towards her causing her to cover her eyes.

It was too late. He had already blacked-out.


"No Ginuwine stop! Please stop!", Mariah screamed as Ginuwine aggressively dragged her upstairs into their bedroom.

All of the months of therapy and anger control went right out of the window for Ginuwine. He was too overwhelmed.

This was his ultimate breaking point.

"WHO THE HELL DID YOU FUCK?!", he screamed in an almost demonic tone.

"Ginuwine I'm scared", Mariah sobbed as he picked her up and threw her onto their bed.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!", he said as he paced back and forth.

The real Ginuwine was trying come back through again. Even though he was upset with Mariah, he would never want to harm her.

He continued pacing back and forth as Mariah watched in fear.

After a few more paces, the real Ginuwine finally emerged and he fell to his knees.

"Why did you do this to me Mariah?", he said with tears running down his face.

"G-Ginuwine I-.....I don't know", she cried looking down at her hands.

"If it wasn't had to be a woman. Who was it?", Ginuwine said as he stared at her with pain in his eyes.

The room became silent as they stared at each other.

"I-It was J-.....Janet", Mariah said finally.

"I fucking knew it! I should've known that it was that bitch. I see how she looks at you every time I see her around you. I should've thought more of it. Doesn't that whore have a fucking husband?", Ginuwine said with anger.

"She's not a whore Ginuwine", Mariah sniffled.

"YES THE FUCK SHE IS!", he yelled.

"Ginuwine.....don't ever call her a fucking whore. She has been there for me in times when you weren't. Where the hell were you after I miscarried our baby? Nowhere to be fucking found. Janet was there for me. She helped me heal", Mariah yelled.

"I tried to be there for your ass but you pushed me away! You act like Isaiah wasn't mine too! If it wasn't for me, your ass wouldn't even have a fucking baby to be arguing about!", Ginuwine shot back.

"I can't believe you just said that. Take it back", Mariah said shocked.

"I said what the hell I said. I love you Mariah but the way you've been acting lately has been making me question that. I never would've thought you would cheat on me. I'm deciding now not to end things with you because it would be too painful but I don't wanna see you for a while."

"Ginuwine what are you saying? I'm so so so sorry", Mariah started crying.

"What I'm saying is get out of my house and don't come back", he said looking her straight in the eye.

"So this is how its really gonna be?", Mariah cried.

"Yep. You made that choice when you laid down with Janet."

Mariah shook her head as she got up to leave.

"That s-sounds f-fair", she sniffled and walked out of the room.

Ginuwine waited until after he heard the door close to finally break down in tears.

"Why did this happen God? I prayed for a woman that would love me unconditionally and stay loyal to me. I thought Mariah was the one now I don't know what to think", he cried out loud.

His love for Mariah was rooted so deep in his soul that he didn't even know what to do or think anymore...

Despondency (Sequel To Sweetheart)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora