Chapter 60 - New Beginnings

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January 1, 2000

Ginuwine/ Mariah's Setting

"Mimi stop", Ginuwine said as he tried to sleep but Mariah kept kissing his neck.

"Baby come on. Can we just do one more round?", she said in between kisses.

It had been a week since Ginuwine and Mariah had gotten married and they were in total bliss of each other mentally, emotionally, and of course...physically.

"Mariah you said you wanted one more round about four rounds ago. Me and my dick are drained and we need some rest", Ginuwine laughed with tiredness laced in his voice.

Ever since they checked into their luxury hotel suite for their wedding night, they had barely left the bed and only took breaks to eat and occasionally sleep.

"But Ginuwine I'm wet", Mariah whined before reaching under the sheets and pulling out his limp, lifeless member.

"Mariah...cut it out. Your freak ass is gonna have to wait. I'm tryna get some rest so we can check out of this room sometime today", Ginuwine said, moving her hand away.

"Then let's leave now then since you don't wanna have sex with me", she pouted causing Ginuwine to deeply sigh.

She was beginning to have pregnancy mood swings, something he dreaded when she was pregnant with their first child.

"Babygirl I didn't say-", he tried to reply but was interrupted.

"Nope I don't wanna hear it. Either fuck me or we're leaving right now", Mariah said, crossing her arms.

"Well let me start gathering my shit then", he rolled his eyes as he got up from the bed.

"Okay I'll just handle it myself then", she said with an attitude as she opened her legs and started rubbing herself.

Ginuwine stared at her for a minute before walking into the bathroom and starting on his hygiene.

He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and got ready to get in the shower.

"Mariah hurry up because I know you wanna get in shower with me", Ginuwine said loud enough for her to hear but she was so caught up in pleasure that she wasn't listening.

Her moans got louder and louder causing him to shake his head.

Finally she let out her infamous scream, letting him know that she had climaxed.

Not even a minute later, a naked Mariah waddled into the bathroom and started on her hygiene.

As soon as she finished, they both got in the shower and began washing each other.

"What do you think we should name these two?", Ginuwine said as he ran the washcloth over her baby bump.

"I wanna name our son after you but I don't know what we should name our little girl", Mariah smiled as she washed his chest.

"We gotta hurry up and find a name for her. They'll both be born in just a few weeks", Ginuwine smiled back.

"We don't even have a nursery set up for them yet either. We have so much work to do in so little time", Mariah sighed as Ginuwine turned her around and began to wash her back.

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