Chapter 4 - Seeking Help

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I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes. M💖

July 7, 1998

Author's POV

"Okay G, you're here to get some help, so you can get Mariah back", Ginuwine said to himself as sat in the parking lot of Kenwood Therapy LLC.

It had been two weeks since him and Mariah broke up and after a week of endless crying, anger, and depression, he set an appointment to talk to a shrink.

He really wanted to get better for himself, Mariah, and the family that he hoped to have with her in the future if she decided to take him back.

Ginuwine looked at his watch and it read 3:15pm, just fifteen minutes before his appointment.

An instant nervousness washed over him but he immediately shrugged it off.

You got this G, you can do this, he encouraged himself internally.

This was only the beginning of his journey to becoming a better man....


"What's on your mind?", Janet asked Mariah as she stared blankly into her cup of tea.

"My whole life", Mariah smiled weakly.

Ever since her abrupt split with Ginuwine, Mariah had started to act a little strangely and stopped taking care of herself, which began to worry Janet more than she already was.

"Tell me what's on your mind."

"I was just thinking about how I've been alive for 28 years on this earth and not once have I truly been happy."

"Sometimes I feel that way too Mimi", Janet said as she added sugar cubes to her tea.

"How Janet?", Mariah rolled her eyes. "You have a big family that loves and supports you and a husband who's there for you. You literally have the whole world in your corner supporting you, so how? Please explain."

I know this bitch just did not, Janet scoffed.

"Mariah you've got it all wrong honey. Yes, I have a ton of brothers and sisters that are there to support me but Rene's bitch ass? I think the fuck not, that's why you haven't seen him around lately, because were getting a divorce. I've been keeping my problems and issues to myself so I could help your ungrateful ass", Janet snapped.

"J-Janet I'm s-", Mariah said but was interrupted.

"Don't Janet me! I understand that you're still dealing with the loss of your child and breaking up with Ginuwine but you need to humble yourself before I do it for you. I let you stay here because I wanted to be nice and support you, but bitch I'm about ready to put your ass out! This damn attitude of yours is about to make me smack you!"

"I-I'm s-sorry Janet", Mariah mumbled as guilt washed over her.

"You better be. You think I don't how it feels to lose a child, but I do because I have before. That's something that nobody knows about Mariah. Not even my own mother", Janet said fighting back tears.

Mariah sat there speechless at what she'd just heard.

She had spent so much time jumping to conclusions and assuming things about others that she didn't realize that she was making an ass out herself.

Instead of worrying about what Janet or Ginuwine were doing all the time, she needed to get some help herself......

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