Chapter 42

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Dedicated to m_whip janetdatgirl mariahsworld and ClassyHndrxx thanks for supporting my book the most you all!

August 26, 1999
San Francisco, California

Ginuwine's Setting

"Today was a long day", Ginuwine said as he settled down in the chair next Mariah's bed.

It had now been eleven days since Mariah's surgery and she still hadn't woken up from her slumber. On the bright side, her condition had tremendously improved over the last few days. Most of the machines and tubes were taken out of the room a few days ago. Now, Mariah only had a feeding tube and two IV's in her arm.

"Goodnight Mariah, goodnight my babies. I love y'all", Ginuwine said sweetly as he put his hand on her baby bump, which was increasingly getting bigger.

He grabbed Mariah's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers before getting comfortable and dozing off to sleep. It had been a long day for him. He was busy all day on the phone planning and ordering things for the surprise that he had for Mariah. He wanted something that would make her smile after everything she had gone through.

All was well as Ginuwine went into a deep sleep beside Mariah's bed until about a couple of hours later.

Mariah had slowly started to wake up.

"Uhhn", she groaned as she opened her eyes and looked around the room. She was very disoriented and immediately panicked because she didn't know where she was.

"Ahhhh", she screamed as she looked down at the IV and ripped it out, causing her arm to start bleeding.

All of the commotion woke Ginuwine up, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head once he saw that Mariah was awake.

"No Mariah don't do that!", he said as she began pulling at the feeding tube that was in her nose.

"I have to go, he's gonna come get me!", Mariah screamed as doctors and nurses ran into the room. The alarm on the IV machine had sounded off due to her ripping the IV out of her arm.

"Shhh calm down Ms. Carey. You're in a safe place", a nurse reassured as she bandaged the wound Mariah created on her arm and connected the IV somewhere else.

"Where's Ginuwine? Where are my babies?", she cried as she desperately looked around.

"I'm right here babygirl and our babies are still in your belly", he said.

"Ginuwine we have to leave before he comes to get me. He said he wants to take my babies", Mariah cried as she tried to get out of the hospital bed but the nurses gently held her down.

"Mariah nobody is coming to get you, I promise. I'm here to protect you, just calm down", he said as comforted her.

He let the nurses put her feeding tube back in before going and pulling her into a hug.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to wake up", Ginuwine said as relief washed over him. Mariah just shook and cried into his chest.

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