Chapter 34 - Disturbing The Peace

296 14 19

August 5, 1999

Ginuwine/ Mariah's Setting




The phone had been ringing off the hook for almost the entire night before Ginuwine decided to answer it. Whoever was calling must have had urgent news.

"Hello? We're trying to sleep", he said with an attitude.

"First of all, this is your boss Tommy. I can call you whenever the hell I want", Tommy shot back.

"What the hell do you want? You keep calling and waking up Mariah", Ginuwine said he as got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'm calling because Mariah has album promotion that she needs to do. She has to be in California by 11am so tell her to get her ass up and head to the airport", Tommy sneered.

"What do you mean she needs to be in California by 11am? It's almost 4 in the morning now. She's not in the best conditions to travel right now Tommy."

"Does it look like I give a fuck if she's not in the best conditions to travel?", he mocked. "If she isn't in California by 11am, then I won't be releasing that sorry ass album of hers."

"You wouldn't dare. Mariah has been working hard on that album", Ginuwine yelled.

"I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck", Tommy said.

"Man fuck you. If Mariah has to be in California all of a sudden, then I'm coming with her because this doesn't sound right", Ginuwine said.

"You can't because you have to finish your album too. I pushed your deadline up to August 10th so you better get to work. Make sure to have Mariah at the airport by 6am. Her plane will be waiting", Tommy said, then hung up.

"What's going on?", Mariah said sleepily as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Babygirl, we gotta cut our time together a little short. Tommy called and said that you have to be in California by 11am this morning so we have to leave now so we can get back to the city", Ginuwine sighed.

"What? I can't travel right now. He knows that I'm pregnant", she said.

" does he know?"

"It's a long story and I don't wanna talk about it right now. Let's just pack up our stuff so we can get to the airport in time", Mariah yawned. "I guess we'll just have to finish sleeping on the plane."

"I can't go with you Mimi."

"Why?", she frowned.

"Because Tommy's bitch ass decided to be petty and move my album deadline up to August 10th and I still have three songs left to finish."

"Oh....well it's not like I'm going to be gone that long right?", Mariah said.

"Yeah I guess, let's just get ready to go."

Ginuwine and Mariah went and gathered all the things they needed and quickly left the cottage in 15 minutes. Mariah's flight was at 6am and it was almost 4:30am. They were in a race against time as Ginuwine rushed to make it to the New York City airport.

"Do you think we'll make it?", Mariah asked.

"I'll try", Ginuwine said as he sped down the country roads of upstate New York.

An hour later, Ginuwine arrived at the airport with enough time for Mariah to check in her luggage and make it to the gate.

"I'm going to miss you so much", Ginuwine said as he pulled ber into a hug.

For some reason, he had a bad feeling about Mariah leaving to go to California but he decided to shrug it off.

"Baby I'm probably just gonna be gone for a few days. I'll be back soon", Mariah said as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Just make sure you take care of yourself and my babies. Don't work too hard", he said, putting a hand on her stomach.

"Don't worry I will. Oh and here, I've been meaning to give this to you. Let me know if you like it or not", Mariah said giving him a copy of her yet-to-be-released album Rainbow. He would be the first one to hear it.

"Babygirl you already know I'm going to love it", Ginuwine smiled as her pulled her into another hug.

"Ms. Carey it's time for you to board your plane", an airport security guard said as he approached them.

"Okay", Mariah said. "See you later babe. I'll call you when I get there."

"Alright babygirl. Have a safe flight", Ginuwine said before she was abruptly wisked away to her plane.

Ginuwine still didn't feel good about the situation. Something didn't seem right about Tommy calling all of a sudden in the middle of the night saying that Mariah needed to be in California. Him and Mariah were supposed to be going to the courthouse to get married today but now all a sudden she was leaving.

"Maybe I'm just overreacting", he said, trying to reassure himself that everything would be okay but he just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

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