Chapter 12

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Sorry for any mistakes, I was rushing. Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT!!!!

September 9, 1998

Author's POV

💙Ginuwine's Setting💙

💙Ginuwine's Setting💙

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"So Ginuwine how's everything been?", Sylvia cheerfully asked.

"So Ginuwine how's everything been?", Sylvia cheerfully asked

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[A/N: This is Sylvia btw]

"Everything has been going great! I'm so glad I no longer feel angry anymore. I'm much happier now….. It's almost like being in Mariah's presence calms me in ways I can't explain", Ginuwine beamed.

"That's great", Sylvia smiled. "Do you still think that Mariah is scared of you…specifically when it comes to intimacy or have you guys not discussed it yet?"

"No I don't think she's scared of me anymore. Mariah is a very strong woman and I feel that if she was scared of me or didn't trust me, then she would'nt have given me a second chance", Ginuwine said.

"That's very true", Sylvia chuckled as she took notes.

"Do you plan on marrying Mariah?"

"Yes. I actually plan on proposing to her really soon at my parents house. I want my family to be around when it happens", Ginuwine cheesed.

"Isn't that a little too fast? You guys just got back together."

"No, we really love each other and I think it's time that I do this. Besides, Mariah's been talking a lot about kids lately and I wanna be married to her before I put a baby in her."

"So…you guys are getting married so fast because you wanna have kids?"

"Yes and no.….l- I just wanna make sure she's mine before something else happens and she leaves me", he sighed.

"Ginuwine…you shouldn't have to worry about her leaving you as long you treat her right. You have to trust yourself on this one. If you're so concerned about her leaving you, then you need to sit her down and talk to her about it."

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